@pfunk HF17+18 Witness Update

in #witness-category8 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: @pfunk HF17+18 Witness Update

Sun Yuchen is a liar, thief, charlatan, and all around cunt. But I don't need to tell you that. Find me at Hive, where we are glad to be rid of him and all of his fake followers, sockpuppets, and thieves.


I'm optimistic after seeing sneak's engagement with the community. It's great to know he's heading the backend team - his approach seems to be the ideal combination of realism (i.e. directing development for speed and efficiency) and idealism (i.e. open source principles). Though a brilliant developer (Steem wouldn't have existed without his contributions), I always felt Dan was too idealistic in many situations. Utopian, even (remember the hyperinflation?) I hope this continues - look forward to their announcement about the new development process. (Though not impressed by how long that post has been in the works...)

Now the goal has to be a quick-ish update to HF19 with a flatter reward curve and some bug fixes, hopefully by late-April. It's a significant enough feature to merit its own hardfork, one that must be rolled out before significant marketing efforts begin. We are much more likely to retain new powerers up who see a visible impact from their votes.

"We are much more likely to retain new powerers up who see a visible impact from their votes." - Couldn't agree more.

The new changes are promising, correcting the time window was a must. Now for HF19 to get our flatter reward curve!
Meanwhile there needs to be viable options for large accounts to incentivize SP holding, I think a discussion about those incentives is needed, I haven't brainstormed this at all and hope there are others who have put some consideration on the issues, issues which will come from a flatter reward curve if we are to go in that direction.

Lol. I'd love to feel that optimistic, but watching my post from yesterday go from sixteen dollars to sixteen cents...if someone would please explain what the deal is, that would be great.
Actually, I've been meaning to catch up to you. The other day when you posted the pdf's for Allan Watts..I kid you not, I walked out of the room about ten minutes later and overheard my husband talking to a friend on the phone saying he was just listening to something from a fellow 'source player'-this is what he's dubbed truth seekers, or people who have woken up, enlightened people raising their frequency etc.- Allan Watts. It was definitely one of those double take moments. I even had to ask him to repeat it in case i misheard, LOL

Maybe because I don't post, I just comment, it's very much less intensive then thinking about a novel subject and writing it down, soon enough I will switch from commenting to making posts about things I find interesting or I think more people would benefit from learning about, but until then I am focused on real life work. I still have to read those pdf's, so much to do so little time :D, and synchronicity is always a good reminder for me that we live in a benevolent universe as it's always about positivity and never about negativity, at least from my experience.

Gonna chop some more tress down and listen to The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress audiobook now, have a good one :D

Thanks @pfunk for always debating your actions as a witness with the community, you are one of the most level-headed witnesses out there and I hope you remain as a top-19 witness for a very long time...

I do agree that this is a new era for Steem and for me the most important feature of this upgrade is the ability of third party apps to profit from their work .

Thank you @chitty.

The reward splitting is one of the long-view features that I was glad to see in the HF17 release.

I am pleased that you did not publicly mention that you are providing me with the intelligence necessary to take over this platform.

Wait. This isn't our private communication channel?! DENNIS!!!!!!!!!

I'm happy to hear that a way forward has been found. Stalling the changes was not helping Steemit. It's good that the witnesses are listened to. They are an under-appreciated asset of Steemit

I have my seatbelt on, and ready for the ride.

Just like a roller coaster, it's not over yet, by a long shot. Exciting times!

For Steem came a new era. And it is felt, when it is necessary to make cardinal decisions in spite of some exclamations of discontent. But practice has shown that changes ultimately go to the best. The stabilization of the STEEM course gives us great hope for a good future and the development of the platform. I fully support these processes. Thanks to everyone who takes part in them.

Consensus is good to read, now off to learn the secrets of using the new system.

Thanks so much - you are really doing a lot for the success of steemit!