WITNESS WEEKLY @ 5 November 2022

There has not been a lot of movement in the Top 20 over the last couple of weeks.
Just one new entrant, and some rearrangements in the lower half.
@pennsif.witness has made good progress. Both the Seed Node and the Full API Node are now up and running, and the witness has now climbed all the way up to #23.
The initial closing date for Steemit Inc's new $500K Development Incentive Program has now passed. News is eagerly awaited from the Community Developer Representatives of what proposals will be funded for development.
Pennsif the Witness
After almost 2000 days on Steem I decided it was time to take my contribution to the platform to the next level.
I have therefore set up as a Steem witness... @pennsif.witness
If anyone would like to support what I already do, and what I am planning to do, by giving one of their 30 witness votes to @pennsif.witness I would be hugely grateful.
You can read my full witness announcement here...
Thank you.
The Current Top 20 Witnesses
There has only been one new entrant in the Top 20 since the last Witness Weekly. @alexmove.witness has swapped places with @steemit-market to take the #20 slot.
@justyy still holds the top spot, and @steemit-market is now holding the first reserve position at #21.
The only other movements have been rearrangements in positions #13 to #17. @bangla.witness has climbed to #13, and @xpilar.witness to #14. @steem-agora, @etainclub and @italygame have all subsequently dropped one or two places.
The current top 20 witnesses for the Steem Blockchain on 5 November 2022 are :
No. | Witness |
1 | @justyy |
2 | @symbionts |
3 | @dev.supporters |
4 | @steemchiller |
5 | @steem.history |
6 | @dlike |
7 | @future.witness |
8 | @maiyude |
9 | @rnt1 |
10 | @protoss20 |
11 | @upvu.witness |
12 | @roadofrich |
13 | @bangla.witness |
14 | @xpilar.witness |
15 | @etainclub |
16 | @steem-agora |
17 | @italygame |
18 | @marcosdk |
19 | @boylikegirl.wit |
20 | @alexmove.witness |
There are a further 35+ active backup witnesses mainly in the #21 - #57 slots.
All top 50+ witnesses are running the current 0.23.1 version.
Many of the witnesses from #59 and below are 'former' witnesses that are running old witness versions (0.23.0 or 0.22.1) and have now moved to another blockchain.
Details of all the witnesses can be found in @steemchiller's Steemworld.org, on @justyy's steemyy.com or on @symbionts's ecosynthesizer.com...
The listing in Steemworld.org has the added feature of showing who is voting for each witness (click on the little piechart icon).
@steem.history and @future.witness both publish daily witness listings...
New Witnesses
India Country Reps @cryptogecko and @deepak94 have launched a new witness HindWitness (@hindwitness)...
@cryptogecko and @deepak94 are two of the Admin founders, along with @jyoti-thelight, of the Hind Whale Community...
@hindwitness is currently at #167.
The Steem Seven curation project led by @alejos7ven, has launched its own witness @seven.wit...
@seven.wit is currently at #28.
Witnesses News & Updates
Steemit Development Incentive Program
The recently launched Steemit Development Incentive Program is providing $500K of STEEM to support new developments on steemit.com.
The program is being overseen by the Community Developer Representatives, a team of five top witnesses - @future.witness (@hightouch), @steemchiller, @justyy, @smt-wherein (@iguazi123) and @dev.supporters (@donekim, @glory7 & @wonsama).
One of these @donekim, of the @dev.supporters witness, has given an update on progress on evaluating the ideas and proposals...
The list of proposals and suggestions submitted can be seen here...
Top witness @justyy (#1) has published a number of witness related posts particularly for node testing...
@symbionts (#2) have published a warning about the recent hack, and coming shutdown, of Steem-Engine...
Member of the @dev.supporters (#3) witness team @donekim has put forward the suggestion that Steem should create a new Open Source Contributor Reward Platform like the old Utopian platform that was very successful in the past...
@donekim has also posted about the hack and shutdown of Steem-Engine...
@steemchiller (#4) continues to maintain the top app on the blockchain in the form of Steemworld.org.
@steem.history (#5) puts out a number of very useful daily posts covering witness listings, Steem Power rankings and the STEEM system config.
@maiyude (#8) has posted an update on the development of the steem.vip steem wallet...
@upvu.witness (#11) has made a number of posts giving more information about how it selects the witnesses it supports...
@hungry-griffin and @rme of the bangla.witness (#13) team have announced plans for a major new investment in the Steem blockchain...
A million dollar blockchain based web 3.0 social media, networking & blogging project will be launched by 2024.
The program will include a decentralized web 3.0 blockchain social media, networking and blogging project, a side-chain reward distribution project, a multichain DAO project for developers and contributors, an opensource NFT project, and a DEFI project - all based on the Steem blockchain...
The charitable fund of @xpilar.witness (#14), @wox-helpfund, has given 400 STEEM to @rodolfmandolina to help with urgent medical treatment for his mother...
@etainclub (#15) continues to work on the development of his AVLE app which is now in public beta...
@steem-agora (#16) has made a post discussing how the witnesses might play a bigger role in improving the stability and continuous availability of steemit.com through more full nodes and more decentralisation...
@joviansummer of the @jswit witness (#38) has written more about the decentralisation issues in Steam API nodes...
@boylikegirl.wit (#19) has posted an update on the development of the Boylikegirl Club...
@steemit-market (#21) has published another witness report...
@cotina (#22) has published its witness report for October...
@pennsif.witness (#23) has launched a Full API Node...
@pennsif.witness has also launched the CommunityAction support program to help projects and communities...
Pennsif has also just announced the three winners (@dexsyluz, @ubongudofot, @worldsmile) of the first Pennsif's Picks monthly awards...
@ety001 (#27) is currently replaying Hivemind to get the backup data on his new server at Hetzner...
@ety001 has also posted details of how to deploy an Account History node using the official docker image...
@stmpak.wit (#51) has posted how they set up a Seed Node...
@visionaer3003 (#87) has launched the Camping Club Program - SP Angel - to help newcomers to the platform with free starter delegations...
@yasu.witness (#165) has posted his latest Witness Report...
@yasu is also exploring how to set up a Full API Node...
Becoming a Steem Witness, and moving up the rankings to #23, has given me a whole new perspective on the platform.
With developments like the $500K Steemit Development Incentive Program and the $1million investment plan recently announced by @hungry-griffin and @rme it does feel like Steem is poised at the beginning of a new renaissance.
It certainly is a good time to be a Steem Witness...
Pennsif [ Discord Pennsif#9921 ]
[ graphic by @pennsif ]
Congratulations to @pennsif.witness and the other witnesses. We really appreciate the great work of the witness in managing the steem bockchain network for more great steem... Thank you very much
Congratulations to @pennsif.witness for advancing to 23rd place. Maybe before the end of the year will be in the top 20 I'm sure that.
Thank you for your support.
Congratulation !! we will wait for @pennsif.witness to be in the top 20 list. We are sure it will be realized in the near future.
Very happy to see you are doing this! Witness voting is important... and this was a good reminder to redo all my witness votes since the "insanity" of a few years ago. Added your wtiness.
It will be very interesting to see what the development news will be... we definitely need a "refresh" around here!
Thank you for your support for @pennsif.witness.
I hope @pennsif.witness will soon be among the top 20. I'm sure with the good work of steemians to continue to promote it this will be achieved.
Felicidades amigo, con un gran esfuerzo has logrado estar de puesto 23. Espero muy pronto ver que has alcanzado estar en el top principal de la cadena
Por otro lado, estaba leyendo lo que pasó con la comunidad de Steem-Engine, un ataque como ese puede turbar a cualquiera, lo que deseo es que los usuarios inocentes perjudicados puedan salir ilesos del problema
Gran Witness Weekly! Sigue con el buen trabajo, se está volviendo aún emocionante leer acerca de los nuevos programas y proyectos para Steem
Congratulations on the achievement of @pennsif.witness, I think this is great and deserves a very good performance while on Steem. I wish you all the best and see @pennsif.witness in the top 20 soon... What a beautiful year end..cheeerrss
Congratulations on the great progress to @pennsif.witness. This is exciting information for us as well as your supporters. We hope that by the end of this year @pennsif.witness will be in the Top 20 list. Congratulations and I hope this will happen 👍😊
This post has been translated and reposted in the Steem Indonesia Community
muy bien, me enorgullece estar aquí, espero su apoyo, gracias, siempre en mi corazón, bendiciones,