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RE: The day the blockchain stood still

in #witness-category7 years ago

I'm not a witness but I agree with what you just said. Yesterday, I was on thinking that it was the best place to get updates on the issue and what we got as answers was: "relax and wait for further instructions", just imagine one of the major centralized service saying that kind of stuff to their users... I don't think that anyone at Stinc realize that they have a huge community behind them and I don't think that a few messages posted here or there with a few words giving the status of the issue would have hurt anyone...

Also, still, we are waiting for the real reason of this halt... (unless you know c++ and read the commits from @abit, good luck to figure out what was the problem)

I believe in this blockchain, even though I'm not a big stakeholder, I work everyday for Steem, to bring new features and ideas, hopefully the new comers won't look too much at Steem's history...


Exactly. There are much better updates for football games, but when a 230 Million dollar blockchain is frozen and businesses can't operate, then we get an update every x hours.

Now with that said, I'm sure everyone learned out of this experience and the next time we may have better updates :)