KJ's Video - The Hollywood Witches

in #witch6 years ago


Yet another amazing video provided by KJ.

Personally, I cannot fanthom how he finds the time to make these well informed videos. If able, I would ask everyone to support his work.

Simply, a quick $1 a month goes along way and adds up with many doing it.
You can reach his Patreon Channel here to support his ministry. I actually see this as a ministry. I have learned a lot from his content. And yes, I am a Patron of his (as of now).

Some things in this video I pick up on . He name drops some players in the Industry's beast system. While they are all connected to an extent, there definitely seems some having more exposure than others. We see their use of certain actors to perpetuate on the public. Disney's young kid actors such as MiIley Cyrus transforming from sweet and innocent to lewd and crude. Her followers will simply transition along with her public image.

What's a Witch?

We also see hints of witchcraft with the Kardashians and other pop culture figures.

The public comical definition of a witch is "a woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick." However, a witch is not a specific gender. Meaning, it's not just women.

However, in a recent article, a real witch debunks these preconceptions and explains what modern day witch really is.

Witches are real: They're people who practice magick. Magick, which witches like to spell with a "k" to differentiate it from stage magic, is real too. The practice of magick is about raising and directing energy to fulfill your intentions, and if you haven't noticed, witchcraft is in vogue. Source.

A witch is aware of her power and puts that power into action. With that understanding, anyone who is actively using energy to form desired action or outcome is technically performing witchcraft.


Call me by another name.

There is a reason why the bible comments on "you will know them by their fruits."

“Beware of false prophets,who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:15-20
Let's face it. We categorize everything in order to make sense out of it. Religion is no different. KJ points out actors referring to themselves as Atheist, but their actions reflect Satanist. Just because you categorize yourself, does not mean you are acting accordingly. I would add those calling themselves Christians as well. Your deeds show your true identity.



I like how KJ points out we are the escape artists. We, meaning those who has eyes to see and ears to hear. We see their symbiology much like breaking anagrams with cyphers. One person notes the beast system applies their symbols on everything much like a dog pisses to mark his territory. However, after watching enough of these types of videos, you are left with the impression, only those falling into the system can excel.



In summary, I wanted to bring KJ's work in the forefront for my audience. I highly respect his work and find his content having quality and substance. I implore all to start contributing to those like KJ, allowing them to work on this type of material. I truly believe it's only going to get harder to live in America. Setting up foundations like this will go along way for those talents we need.

Moving ahead, as cost increases, we will need to be more diligent in where we put our resources.




This post is also available on my patreon site and Main Site.