Wisdom comes from mentors

in #wisdom6 years ago


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Bible in one year: 2Kings 6-10


Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17

“There is no self made man”. Look closely at whatever point it is that you find yourself today. You will come to realize that any success you have achieved is as a direct result of being instructed, led, corrected or encouraged by someone (mentor) who had experience or had gone ahead of you in life. In life, to go further and faster, it is important to ride on the back and efforts of those who have gone ahead of us.

Mentorship is the guidance provided by a mentor, especially an experienced person in a particular area of endeavor or human existence. From several acts of God in the Bible, we can see that it is not the will of God for man to live in isolation. Mentorship is a major principle in the Bible. It is one of God’s designs to help us realize and achieve our purposes in life faster. There are several relationships that contribute to ones success in life. One of the most critical is Mentorship.

Success is duplicatable. A mentor is usually an experienced and trusted adviser, someone who already has a high degree of success in the area where he is providing guidance and by this way, he is able to guide the mentee to success faster than deemed normal.

The examples are all over the Bible. Moses mentored Joshua who in turn led the Israelites into the promised land (Joshua 1:13); Naomi mentored Ruth who in the end found her happiness; Elijah mentored Elisha who ended up with a double portion of his master’s anointing; Jesus spent most of His time teaching a small group of disciples who carried on the great commission and began spreading the gospel as we know it today.

Importance of Mentorship:

  1. Mentors compress time.
  2. Mentors provide practical insights that we cannot find in any book. Even God gave men to us as gifts.
  3. With mentors, success is more likely.
  4. Mentors create network, since we are also connected to our mentor’s network.

In that your career or business field or if you are called into the five fold, there are people whose presence is like a manifestation of your dreams. They can fill the Mentorship gap for you. Don’t confuse a role model for a mentor. There must be relationship in Mentorship while you must not necessarily make contact with your role model.

Lord, I thank you for bringing me this far in life. I ask you to cause mentors who will shorten my journey to greatness, success and dominion in all areas of endeavor to come my way today, in Jesus Name.

As I go about my activities today, God is orchestrating my meetings with my heaven-designated mentors in Jesus name.