Wisdom: Doing What is Right, Ethical, Moral, Legal, & Just

in #wisdom4 months ago

Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, said, “Use wisdom as your compass, it will always lead you to the truth.”

Wisdom is often understood as one’s ability to objectively or subjectively understand what is right, true, and moral. In a sense, this often correlates with the ideology of Christian theology when individuals speak of doing God’s Will.

However, when I think of doing God’s Will, I do not think similarly to what many people think of when they say to do God’s Will. Saint Peter emphasized in his letters that in demonstrating God’s Will, one should live a life of good and avoid a life of evil. Saint Augustine said that God’s Will is also to do good and that human free will and God’s Will are compatible and intertwined with each other.

What I believe about the Will of God, whomever or whatever that is you might believe in, is that we are born to do what is right, legal, moral, ethical, and just. We are to do what is necessary to help each other in this world, regardless of who our neighbor is, our country of origin, religious / spiritual ideologies are, age, creed, backgrounds, etc. There is a meme floating around on social media that says ‘I have friends with degrees, LLCs, and felonies. I learn from them all.’

As Aphrodite believed, “Love conquers all.”

Peace & love to all

~ KO

