in #winter3 years ago


Wow guys.. This is something. Last time I was logged on in here is FOUR years ago!!! Honestly I thought I'd never be able to return, since my computer and phone.. Well let's just say they had some bad things happen to them. Because sometimes life gives you lemons, and on special occasions they're injected with poison and dipped in radioactive waste and have huge sharp thorns growing out of them too.

I've been handling a lot of fruits of these types, and I would like to thank the universe for being so creative and persistent in testing me. I've probably been enlightened in unique ways that I cannot fathom, and now I'm pretty much ready for anything, everything and nothing. Preferably combined if it's not too much trouble.

Anyway, my husband suddenly found this old little memory stick containig my login information for this site and others. Miraculous, thank you Jimmy!!

So, where do I begin to continue? I honestly don't remember my way around this place. My favoriter things from steemit was all those cool collaborations and competitions going on, with writing and drawing and editing themes.

I especially loved the writing ones, had so much fun with that!

Please let me know what is happening in here nowadays! What has changed, what hasn't, what is the coolest thing around and so on? I have so many questions, I've literally been living like a caveperson for all these years haha!

I'm going to share some pictures and stuff like in the good old days. This is what it looks like in the beauty of mid winter at my place in northern Sweden. Hope you enjoy!







Peace and love,
