BTC Games - How To

in #win8 years ago (edited)

Win Bitcoin
If you want to win bitcoin yourself right now, you can click here:

Otherwise, the official bitcoin game room introduction awaits you…

Win Bitcoin Online: Overview
So how do you win bitcoin? is the official Bitcoin website purchased by Roger Ver, AKA Bitcoin Jesus AKA owner of more bitcoins than you can shake a bleeping stick at. Many bitcoin enthusiasts, supporters and HODLers are familiar with the section as their go to stop for bitcoin related news between checking facebook and jacking off with Google incognito, but less know about the online casino portal that is also attached to the domain. Along with being completely anonymous for its users, also offers a variety of popular casino games that are fueled by bitcoin mania. With minimum bets of just 0.0001 bitcoin, and maximum bets of up to 5 bitcoin, big fish and small fish alike can win bitcoin playing any one of their favorite games.

Video Poker
Currently, there is a jackpot worth over 200 bitcoin that is up for grabs — but don’t get distracted. Here you can test your poker skills against the bitcoin newb community. When you aren’t getting the girls wet with your command prompt skills, you can impress them by being a digital Dan Bilzerian, playing loose and fast over your neighbors spotty wifi connection. All in?

Maybe you can’t remember where you put your car keys after you smoked your last joint, but when it comes to card counting, you put that nerd from the movie 21 to shame.
Yea, you have the edge on the house, all from your living room, but will you split or double?

Progressive Roulette
On a serious note, we noticed that we can’t seem to lose this game when we wait for 3 to 4 of the same colors (ie: black) in a row, and then bet on the opposite (ie: red). If the next color isn’t red, we double up and go again, always getting a hit before our purse is empty. Try to win bitcoin and you may be surprised how easy you can win bitcoin with this method. While waiting for unlikely streaks of the same color in a row and then betting opposite may be a dry way to play, it makes steady returns. We even put a bot on this method, and it makes steady returns. According to the terms and conditions, the use of bots isn’t considered cheating either…

The only downside to playing dice online with bitcoin instead of playing in downtown Harlem is that the risk factor of getting shot after you win is sadly absent, but it’s still pretty fun regardless.

Progressive Bonus Slots
Ah yes, slots — the favorite past time of those who are feeling lucky. You’re parents would have paid for your college if they didn’t blow it on slots first, but now it’s your turn to even the score for them. With a jackpot of 156 bitcoin, to win bitcoin slots is synonymous with lambos…

You know what you get when you mix a craps bot with an online bitcoin craps game? You get crypto-paid wink wink

Ok, so wtf is Keno anyways? It’s the game with the worst odds of you winning bitcoin, so let’s just skip it altogether…

Winning Bitcoin Here Is Provably Fair
What are you chances to win bitcoin? The following is copy pasted directly from the website section ‘Provably Fair’:

Play with confidence! We guarantee that every Dice game you play at Bitcoin Games is completely fair. You will be dealt a completely random deck of cards every game, and we can provably demonstrate that we have in no way manipulated the shuffle.
Instead of just taking our word for it, we make available all of the information you need to verify that our game is fair.
The reason that we can guarantee this is that your web browser supplies a random number that we must incorporate into the random number generator in a provably consistent way. Our server first shuffles the deck, and your computer then gives us a random number that we must use to repeatedly cut the deck. Since our servers do not know what random number your computer will send, we have no way of knowing how the shuffle will look in the end.
To manually verify a game that has been played, press the green verify button in the MY GAMES table after a game has been played.
Before the game has started, a random seed number is first chosen by our server.
We then create an SHA-256 hash of this server seed and send it to your web browser. This hash serves as a sort of encryption of the original seed number chosen by the server. From this hash you can not identify the seed number chosen, but you can later use it to verify that we did not change the seed number afterwards.
These steps take place before any credits have been played by the user.
Your web browser then sends our server a random seed number. Your web browser just selects any random number, although technically there is nothing preventing the client from sending any number it wants. The point is that our server has no way of knowing what this random number will be.
After the server receives this client seed number, it combines the server seed and the client seed into a single final game seed. For example, if the server seed was 7UDVbLn6Ct2a4ZHLHVPGu6MoccaZZ3hbzkwUoLxDSEKU and the client seed was 1293771171, then the final game seed will be 7UDVbLn6Ct2a4ZHLHVPGu6MoccaZZ3hbzkwUoLxDSEKU1293771171. The server is required to use the server seed that it picked earlier, since the client can later use the previously received server hash to verify this. Therefore, the server has no control over what the final game seed will be, and therefore has no way to manipulate the outcome of your game.
Finally, this game seed is used as the input into the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which creates a random number sequence from an initially ordered deck of cards. This deck of cards is then used to play the next game of Dice.
Once the game is finished, the server reveals the server seed that it initially chose. The client can then verify that the hash of this server seed does indeed match what the server originally sent before the game started. Your web browser will automatically verify that everything was legitimate. The JavaScript source code that checks this is publicly available at

Play With Free Credits First -
We recommend you play first with free credits and see how your luck goes, then top up your address with real bitcoin and start to win bitcoin. You can withdraw it at any time, instantly. Click here to start

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