

Jakarta. Bank Indonesia (BI) in the near future will issue rules on charging refill fees or top up of electronic money. at this time BI with the bank is being hoisted how the imposition of top-up costs that fit.
Rumors that top up electronic money that will be in the BI of Rp 1,500 to Rp 2,000 per refill. This top costing plan will initially be announced on Thursday. but because of some things the announcement of the imposition of electronic money is delayed.
Punky Purnomo Wibowo. Director of the Department of Payments and the policy of BI Payment System said in the near future the regulator will issue related rules.
Currently the price (top up costs) is being finalized. Punky said to KONTAN. Friday. Punky said the top up costs will be cultivated for less than Rp 1,500 Rp 2,000.
Related to the imposition of this top cost according to Punky to encourage the electronification in the mode of transportation, especially the highway. Later this top up cost will be used bank to provide refill tool. making it easier for people to earn electronic money at an affordable price. safe and efficient.
However, punky admits that the imposition of these costs will take into account the ability of the community. so people can be interested to keep trading non-cash.