AMAZING Wildlife - Red Kite with Prey (and Thoughts about Green Energy Wind Power Plants)
There are not many places, where you can see, what I'll reveal to you in some seconds. As you already may know, I love taking pictures of birds in flight. Today, I have a rare scene for you. The bird in the picture is a Red Kite (Milvus milvus).
Enemy Nr. 1: Green Energy Wind Power Plants
Sadly, these birds are getting closer to endangered levels at the moment. This is because of stupid rapid development of too many wind power plants. The rotors are so fast and often not visible in fog, so that many birds crash into them. Their numbers are dropping rapidly, because of this. It threatens other birds, too! This is not the way, Green Energy should be.
What you can see in the image below, is a Red Kite with prey. He is holding a Mouse in his claws.
There is always a loser...

A Red Kite With Prey
My next photo will be available soon. I do not use any tricks, to get a picture and I try to make them look as close as possible to what my eyes have seen. If you like this picture, please vote and perhaps follow me. Thank you and have a nice day!
Never heard or seen one of these and by the sound it I might not get to do so either. Thanks for sharing this great shot of this magnificent animal.
Thank you, appreciated very much. It is possible to track one. I've seen them in Europe at some spots, but rarely, as described.
Great capture!
Thank you!