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RE: WIKILEAKS | Leaks To Expect This Year

in #wikileaks7 years ago

I can’t wait either bro but Assange is in serious danger IMO.
The lunatic left is is full on defence mode now and will stop at nothing to protect there existence, throwing out this Russian propaganda bullshit is just a childish psy-op that sadly more sheeple are starting to buy into.
I’ve had friends who I thought were awake mention ‘Russian propaganda’ to me recently as they have heard it so much in recent weeks and months that they’re starting to believe it’s a real thing.
As soon as anything is leaked the MSM will go non stop 24 hrs a day at trying to convince folks it’s all lies coming out of the Kremlin and has no validity.
Evidence needs to be rock solid, irrefutable and put out on every medium possible to ensure it sticks.
I wanna see Clinton, Soros et al in jail or suicided so we can move on from this paradigm of horrific corruption.
Nice work dude.