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RE: OP-ED: If Ecuador Withdraws Support And Protection From Julian Assange, It Will Be A Tragedy

in #wikileaks7 years ago (edited)

I still can't help but wonder about Julian Assange, particularly after what we have seen over the past months with Sibel Edmonds. I hope he's the real deal but I would not be at all surprised to find out he was part of the problem and a distraction, particularly now when the powers that should not be are getting desperate. Some goes for Snowden and probably Bradley Manning in my opinion.

I know I'm in the minority on this one and that's fine. You believe, as does Suzie and others and I hope that your faith is rewarded and it doesn't take away from the excellent work you all do.


Sibel Edmonds is absolute trash. Wikileaks, Assange, Snowden and manning are some of the few people and entities on this planet working in the public interest at the expense of their own lives, and absolutely enormous amounts of time, money, and energy has been spent in attempts to destroy them, either overtly and tangibly or covertly through the productions of deftly manipulative narratives crafted to make us all hate, despise, and question the few human beings and groups who have given up everything to help us. We shoot ourselves in the face when we sneer at the sacrifices they have made.

Sibel Edmonds is the absolute epitome of a cointel operation designed to:

a) poison the independent media well,
b) co-opt people with open minds who are turning to independent media instead of CNN,
c) mercilessly destroy the reputation of whistleblowers and truth tellers including journalists with integrity like Glenn Greenwald.

I'm not the only one that thinks this about her, either.

caitoz Caitlin Johnstone tweeted @ 29 Mar 2018 - 20:18 UTC

Edmonds' reputation has taken a truly massive hit from this transparently deceitful and spiteful smear job. On pape……

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