Wikileaks breeds and sells Cryptokitties, gifts them to Trump and Clinton
Just when you thought we had hit peak CryptoKitty mania - this happens
Official WikiLeaks CryptoKitties
Today, 21 December 2017, WikiLeaks announces the arrival of its first purebred WikiLeaks CryptoKitties. Parents Mr. WikiLeaks and Mrs. WikiLeaks’ unique offspring have started to explore the blockchain. WikiLeaks CryptoKitties go on sale today.
These are the parents, two Generation 0 kitties called Mr and Mrs Wikileaks :
WikiLeaks is giving away two first gen kitties, Trump’s Tender Tabby and Clinton Console Kitty to President Trump and Secretary Clinton.
Wikileaks will be auctioning off their kitty offspring to help fund their operations .
With crypto-mania beginning to hit the mainstream hard, and some previous kitties selling for as much as 100k each - this could be a great moneymaker for Wikileaks going forwards.
PS: I wish they would answer their messages and take the @julianassange account keys - it's worth over $800 already!

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Forget Crypto-kitties, I have a whole load of mangy barn cats I'll sell ya for 100K.
What a total waste of blockchain space these stupid kitties are.
You'd have thought they'd have at least given Trumps cat a 'kitty comb over'
As for Clinton's moggy, I'm sure all its former kitty friends are dying in suspicious circumstances! Choking on tins of tuna, falling and NOT landing on their feet. You need 9 lives if you're a friend of that psycho-witch!
No, CryptoKitties is first example to this, which every one want- digital asset trasfer without digital currency trading. We can use this technology in Financial Industry and other industry. And by the way CryptoKitties "own" 14% of smart contract in Ethereum Network.
I made a video about it and uploaded it to baby! I wonder if he got in because he was bored. It's a really amazing way to get something into the mainstream. If you got kitties the profits are coming.
This is awesome... gonna go tell @jimitations to do a Donfather episode about Trump's Tender Tabby. Oh the possibilities!!!
Haha, this is hilarious :)
Are these Christmas presents I wonder? I also like to extend my Christmas greetings and have a happy new year.
@ausbitbank - Wow - that is indeed a creative way of raising funds. Cryptokitties is a great way of leveraging the crypto world. I had not heard of this till I saw your post. Thanks for the update. Made my day!! LOL Upvoted.
I have a Tiger blog today - Wonder if I should send that photo I took for modelling the next cryptokittie? Hahaha. Can you please take a look and advise. :)

@ausbitbank Make America Catty Again-MACA !!!
Lol... they should be called "crypto-tribbles"
For 100K, you'd think they could make the artwork a bit better.
Yeah, but the artwork for cryptokitties is all pretty uniform. Just slight variances form from different genes (which is what people pay the 100k for LOL)