RE: Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 1)
:) I am full of surprises.
So I think you are right in your guesses re: MSM and smearing JA with the family mess....
However that whole situation is also directly representative of MKultra programs run by the CIA in both Australia and the USA-And in fact when Anne was arrested, she was arrested on one of her numerous properties in the USA and it took the UK, Australia and the US to all work together to find her.....All 3 countries wrought with pedocriminilism.......Where did all of her money come from???
I totally agree with your point about valid information being released by WL's-However don't you think, looking back, that all of the info they have released has had very interesting timing politically?
I don't disagree with the fact they release good information....I question Intention though.....Intention is everything. And if we are being spooned information, I would very much like to know the answer as to why and who stands to gain.
I think transparency says something about a person. In fact, it says a lot about a person. Especially when they KNEW they were going to be in the public eye, doing this work.
I don't debate the transparency of Wikileaks, as a whole, although I must admit, I have come across some very interesting info suggesting that they are funded by some people that we might all have something to say about....
Mostly Mossad....
As for your last comment-I love learning and moving forward. New information is like music to a musicians ears, to me. I love asking questions and hopefully getting answers <3 I love this platform and I am so happy I can have these respectable debates and sharing of opinions here, without judgement or fear of retaliation. <3
SteemOn and BeBrave <3