
in #wick5 years ago (edited)


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Owner: @mikewick77
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Owner: tnman
ID: 36

Owner: weight_threshold 1
ID: 4

ID: 23
21 days ago from 2/25/2020




Wickland turned away from conventional medical psychology and toward the belief that psychiatric illnesses were the result of influence by spirits of the dead.

Wickland came to believe that a large number of his patients had become possessedby what he called "obsessing spirits", and that low-voltage electric shocks could dislodge them, while his wife Anna acted as a medium to guide them to "progress in the spirit world".

Spiritualists considered him an authority on "destructive spirits" and he wrote a book in 1924, Thirty Years Among the Dead, detailing his experiences as a psychical researcher.

Wickland was convinced that he was in contact with a group of spirits known as the "Mercy Band" who would remove the possessors, and help them in the spirit world.


A characteristic feature of the Gnostic concept of the universe is the role played in almost all Gnostic systems by the seven world-creating archons, known as the Hebdomad.

These Seven are in most systems semi-hostile powers, and are reckoned as the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead; below them and frequently considered as proceeding from them, comes the world of the actually devilish powers.

There are indeed certain exceptions; Basilides taught the existence of a "great archon" called Abraxas who presided over 365 archons.

Evidently from works such as the Apocryphon of John, the Ophite Diagrams, On the Origin of the World and Pistis Sophia, archons play an important role in Gnostic cosmology.

Probably originally referring to the Greek daimons of the planets, in Gnosticism they became the demonic rulers of the material world, each associated with a different celestial sphere.

As rulers over the material world, they are called archontes, "principalities", or "rulers".

As with ancient astronomy, which thought of a sphere of fixed stars, above the spheres of the seven planets, beyond the spheres of the evil archons (Hebdomad), there were the supercelestial regions which a soul must reach by gnosis to escape the dominion of the archons.

This place is thought of as the abode of Sophia (Wisdom) and Barbelo, also called Ogdoad.


H. P. Lovecraft
Cthulhu Mythos
August Derleth interpretation of the Mythos.

Betelgeuse is the home of the benign Elder Gods

most of the hardcore possessed satanists are victims of child abuse.. pizzagate.

why would eternal damnation or divine punishment be for victims of such horrible abuse?

while victims do often follow the same exact pattern of abuse towards children.

question.. dont we need to better understand the multiple personalities as symptom of possession?

leading to the idea that the original soul was ejected from the possessed body by a previously fallen spirit?

ritual abuse appears to be something similar to an infectious disease of the soul, or mind virus.

leading me to the thought that this whole situation is very complicated.

my assessment of world affairs is that the pedovore & coronavirus are connected, the cure for both are the same, one is the direct result of the orher.

the cure to both may hidden within the combined database of Jung, Lovecraft, Wickland & Tesla

i believe many of the early pioneers of extreem music were victims of these things, some of this music or art is presented is such way to allow me backdoor access into the mind of this chaos, emotionally explore a pocket of the catacomb, find answers & potential remides.

Bass Amp
Duel Speaker
Phase Cancelled
Invert Phase & Polarity
Out of Phase 180°

Reverse the Phase of a pair of speakers by switching one of the speakers wires
+- +- / +- -+

or face 2 speakers together & adjust distance intil silent.

M-Audio Microphone Pad with Phase Inverter



Phase & Polarity

Phase Invert
Scalar (Static) Waves

Phase Invert is (ANC) or Noise Cancellation is the same thing as Scalar (Static) Waves.

Cymatics & Magnetics (emp)

this is the fundamental backbone to the new medicine & energy.

5 Types Of Brain Waves Frequencies:

Gamma, 40-100
Beta, 12-40
Alpha, 8-12
Theta, 4-8
Delta 0-4


Scalar, Static, Standing, Kinetic, Invert, Ion, Tachyon, Quantum, Neutrino

Quadrupole Ion Trap
(Paul Trap)

Electromagnetic Induction, Faradays Law

go into a 3-phase or 3rd level of energy transfer, not sure.. Kinetic or Static.

DNA is very strong, it likes the low frequency & cymatics, viruses will shatter.. flash bios, neutralize.

i believe the remedy to disease can be cured threw Tesla Scalar Wave technology in its most basic acustic form when using cymatics & emp.

i believe Teslas new energy & medicine was when he discovered Phase Inversion of two speakers facing each other & he cranked up the power & realized it was somehow creating a 3rd element of sound creating its own power supply threw static energy & harmonic resonance.

what i just realized is two magnetic speakers facing one another are the same polarity pushing away, if the magnet inside the speakers could be converted into electromagnets & feedback loop the excess energy back into itself, increasing the magnetic strength.

EMP/LFO Cymatics should break or neutralize it?

i keep getting the feeling that scalar technology is the key.

Rife 11th octave harmonic is dangerous, going into high frequencies.

i believe that by integrating low frequencies cymatics & electromagnetic pulses would be sufficient in replicating the 11th harmonic.

looking into blending this idea with static scalar & negative alkaline ions.

i know of two people permanently damaged threw the use of high frequencies, not worth the risks.

Published: 09
November 2015A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence

nano tubes assemble

PH Dependent Virus

sars mers hiv crona

look into the inhibitors of viruses, they have fluoride as the main ingredient, there is a report that Boron will do the same thing, virus is PH-Sensitive.

Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, and Manganese

i struggle with chest pains & found that minerals combined with magnetic therapy helps me.

i will need to explain how & why.

Baking Soda & Borax bring down PH but have too much sodium, brings my blood pressure up & hypertension, Boron is extracted from Borax in some kind of processing, Boron is also somewhat of a rare mineral that is mined in specific locations.

my thought is.. can baking soda be put threw the same process of removing the sodium content & extract the medicine?

what is the compounds in baking soda extract? what is the name? does it contain an oxygen molecule?

just found that coconut oil is anti viral.

legalize weed & free energy & cannabis seed.

piezo-electric drum heads, energy converted into static magnetism (paul trap) feedback loop

Some naturally piezoelectricoccurring materials include Berlinite (structurally identical to quartz), cane sugar, quartz, Rochelle salt, topaz, tourmaline, and bone.

Dry bone exhibits some piezoelectric properties due to the apatite crystals, and the piezoelectriceffect is generally thought to act as a biological force sensor).


Piezoelectric Baking Powder

Sodium Base Potassium Acid

Make Baking Powder - Mix Cream of Tartar with baking soda to create baking powder.

500 g (1 lb) of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)[NaHCO3]

200 g (7 oz) of cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate)[KHC4H4O6]