Discovering Wicca

in #wicca9 years ago (edited)

I am always being asked what drew me to Wicca or how I discovered Wicca. Many things drew me to Wicca. One of them being the fact that I saw how my mother, a priest, was being treated by her own congregation. Over the course of 4 or so years my mother has been through several churches, all of which had very bad parishioners. I decided that I was going to completely change my religion from Christianity to Wicca. But, I wasn't sure how to go about and do that. The discovering of Wicca finally came to me in 2011 when I had a meditational vision of myself in a coven around other people and that I was the High Priestess. I immediately started researching what the vision meant and that was when I discovered Wicca. Wanting to learn more, I spent a whole year researching and studying. I felt this was my path. I knew this my path. It was a calling.

I learned what a Wiccan altar was and so I set one up in my bedroom. I learned about spells and rituals and what the Wiccan symbol was. I studied the Gods and Goddesses. I learned what the Sabbats were. I learned it all in just a year’s time. Wicca was most definitely the right path for me.

Wicca was a magical calling for me. At first I didn't tell anyone. The only ones who knew were my husband and mother. Anybody else that I would have told and I would have been called a devil worshipper. I still call Wicca a magical calling for me. I study and practice it every single day. Even though I knew a majority of it in just a year’s time, there is still so much to learn and discover. I do not think I can ever look the other way again. Wicca is for me. Wicca is where I will stay.


Keep up the great work @athenadruid

I apologize for my language for isaac.asimov's comment. He seems to be a troll and I can't seem to find a way to contact admin about him.

Awesome, I am also Wiccan

I’m so happy to find this, I’m also I’m also Wiccan.

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 4.3 and reading ease of 85%. This puts the writing level on par with Ernest Hemingway and Donald Trump.

Fuck off ass hole!!!