Whoops! (a real "scare" cut)

Just a short one for today :-) This thought was while I was watching a documentary about trainee hairdressers and one of the students had their first day in the actual salon with real paying customers. Anyway, on the first go the student slipped with the clippers, thankfully missing the lady's hair. But none the less, the simple uttering of "whoops" immediately rendered this poor woman to a complete nervous wreck! A fear that most horror movie directors can only dream of lol ;-)
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and view my content, I am most honoured indeed and hope you have a really great day :)
Best wishes
Westley xx
Deep Underground Poetry

I think it's more scary when you are getting a needle put in to draw blood or something at the Dr office or in a hospital and the nurse says "whoops". Heck one time a nurse bent a needle in my arm trying to get an iv in.. How the heck can you bend a needle in a vein.. That bruise lasted for a month. lol
Yikes!.. Now that is a scare cut lol ;-) You sure you aren't Supergirl? But no, I would imagine that must have hurt like hell :-O Doctors and Nurses are most certainly not the people you want to hear whoops coming from at any time ;-)
Oh my, yes… Nothing quite as terrifying as the person responsible for your “look” for foreseeable future to utter the cavalier doom of “Whoops!”
Does get the blood pumping a little lol ;-)
Or the stomach churning…
LOL ... indeed:0
"whoops" At the hairdresser can strike fear indeed. lol
It's a real nerve shredder for sure lol ;-)
Lololol. So true. Luckily I buzz my own hair so that kind of whoops never scares me. Thanks for the smiles :)
No problem :-) I tend to do my own too, stick the guard on and away you go :-D
Almost 2 decades of that...except the 2 years where I let my hair grow like a hippie...