@frankbacons CIVILIZATIONS VI.0

in #whoisfrankbacon7 years ago (edited)


There’s an obvious intersection between the domains of Intelligence-software/information science-and ‘witchcraft’. What if civilization creates the people IT needs rather than people creating the civilization ’the They’ need?

I find it very interesting just how much software and how many tech companies and tech itself are named after ancient civilizations or deities or myths etc? Maybe it’s all coincidence. But maybe 3,000 years from now when ppl look back they’ll not (be able to) see Babel as a massive routing protocol, but rather as some kind of civilization itself. Maybe instead of understanding Ur is a programming language from the 2010’s they’ll (only be able to) see it as an actual natural language, and from that they’ll piecemeal together ‘evidences’ of the civilization which they believe spoke it.




Then give more consideration to it. You can’t know what they’ll think. But you could imagine what you’d think if you were them. Maybe not ‘think’, but how you might perceive. And apply that to the past you know; the narratives at least. 3,000 years from now it’s very possible our descendants might believe that we believed that Oracle (corporation) was actually an Oracle; an intermediary for us between man and the gods/fate, rather than a multinational corporation that creates/sells database & related technologies. But to your point of what ‘it should be’...would they actually be wrong ? Do we (present society) really attribute at least quasi-Oracular ‘powers’ to Oracle Corporation (unconsciously or otherwise)? I think we very well may.


We already give corporations a personhood status, don’t we?

The Oracle at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi was Pythia, who’s name (like Pythagoras) comes from Python. Which is a massive programming language used by among others NASA, who have their own special relationship with the name Apollo. There are only so many words and names, so the idea that coincidence couldn’t play a major role in all this would be dumb to understate. But it is interesting., to me at least, that ORACLE purchased SUNmicrosystems not too long ago. I’m also not trying to paint some carefully crafted conspiracy, rather these things seem to be ‘naturally’ drawn to one another. What do you think it means that 12 (and exactly and only 12) men walked on the Moon after flying there in the rocket/mission named after the Greek god of (among other things) the sun?


And for all the explanatory power we grant this notion of ‘coincidence ‘ does anyone actually know what a ‘coincidence’ even is? Is there any way to coherently define what it means? Or to actually prove such a thing as ‘coincidence’ is real? It seems like the working understanding of coincidence is that it is ‘absolutely EVERYTHING which is not deliberate’. But then that seems like an awful lot is ‘coincidence’. And that they almost have to be deliberate insofar as they are deliberately not-deliberate.



I had some strange coincidences happen to me when I was writing the software Delphic Oracle. Hard to believe that version 1.0 came out 15 years ago.


If you would have sent this entire article in dm I would have a little more context simulant

Frank bacon is great! One mysterious character. I can dig it.

Hey man, do you have a podcast? You seem familiar.


He wanted me to tell you: Frank says hi.

I’m not very good at just observing. I tend to insert myself into situations.

I know the game is being used as a reference mainly but,,,,, does anyone want to talk about civ 6 ;)

You’re livin in the past bro.

That's true in most cases, which one do you mean?

Civ V came out before Civ VI. We’re not goin backwards! Give up on your dreams of restoring some past Golden Age of Civ V and set your sights on the now, plastics and new math aren’t gonna push themselves are they? Do I need to remind you about Crystal Pepsi?