Indoor Gardening Photography

in #wherein5 years ago

Greetings Steemians,

There are no major updates with the garden.

Tonight I felt like taking some photos anyway, but I am not achieving the desired photogenic properties that I'm after lately.

So I busted out the WB100 Samsung Digital Camera. I don't bust it out often because batteries aren't cheap, and rechargeables are overpriced in my opinion.

I'm very pleased with the results, especially the main photo, how the LEDs were reflecting off the mirror (wasn't intentional but I love it. )

I'm hoping the image resolution saves appropriately, as these are 1984 x 1488 at time of upload.

I decided to try some shots with no flash, then a couple with flash, and some black/whites.

What do you all think? Does the Galaxy smartphone take better photos than the battery nuker Samsung Digital Camera?
(The Samsung has some flaws but I work around them and find the camera to be decent.)

Thank you for stopping by, much love!

[WhereIn Android] (


Bro, I like that little succulent you've got! Very cute. Hopefully it thrives :)
These photos, like all on Steemit, are 640 pixels wide. They reduce everything to that resolution. I went into the URL and saw the full size version, which was 720 by 720 (still pretty small).
Anyway, good little indoor garden, my friend.
My outdoor update today is here should you want to check out my lovely squash : P
Have a great night.

Thanks bro,
The succulent breed is grapsodum bronze.

I'm bummed out about the pixel compression. I understand the logic behind it, but it still is a bummer.

Sorry for the late response. I'm behind on things.

Have a great weekend.

I love little succulents like that as groundcover. They're not too invasive, don't need much, look cute, and can be removed fairly easily if needed.

You have a great weekend yourself, bro. Long weekend up here, with Monday being BC Day (aka BC Bud Day). BC Bud Day is a cannabis celebration/protest, like 4/20, and like Cannabis Day (held on Canada Day). It was begun by @MediKatie, myself, and 2 other local activists. The idea for it was by myself and @MediKatie. It won't be happening this year, which would have been the 5th annual, but hopefully we'll be able to have it again next year for 2021.

Here's some coverage from the 2019 event if you or anyone is interested!

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新手村三宝 瓜子 汽水 小板凳

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


You lose! 你输了!愿赌服输,请给我点赞~

Prefer the first shot where the greens gotten filtered by the purple lights become blueish, outlining the structure of the leaf. Brilliant shots.

[WhereIn Android] (

Thank you bro!

I was hoping for this effect with the flash. Maybe I should take some more of these types of photographs. I think the digital camera performs better than the smartphone in this unnatural light spectrum environment.

Thank you for the encouragement and support. !shop




吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


It’s a tie! 平局!再来!在猜拳界,我还没有输过!


[WhereIn Android] (

哈哈 🤣

High resolution

我只是在逗你 😜


[WhereIn Android] (


[WhereIn Android] (


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[WhereIn Android] (

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Hi 我是annepink😉

[WhereIn Android] (

嗨 annepink!💐




吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


You lose! 你输了!不给我点赞,你就再吃我一拳~

These pictures are good. Sharper and clearer. Great job.
These days, people are using handphone cameras because it is more handy and convenient.

Thank you Vincent. I like them better too. It's worth the extra effort.

These days, people are using handphone cameras because it is more handy and convenient.

I did not know these even existed. One can no longer escape the eye in the sky.
It sounds like a useful spy gadget.

Have a great weekend my friend!

Hi Jake,

These days we are all under the watchful eyes of Big Brother. As long as you own a mobile phone or tablet or computer, there is no escape from them.

But it doesn't bother me. I have nothing to hide. I am sure they have got bigger fish to fry.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.