Do you want a whale vote ? The Winners #6

in #whaleshares8 years ago

Dear friends I got very inspired from several of the new projects in Steem and with this challenge i help the minnows around , even probably i am one of them . Good things come in life or at last in your heart when you know how to give !

Its time to tell you about this week winners ! Was realy hard to chose , there was so many great entryes ! The 5 winners are :

@natasmr , @siddartha ,  @aomine , @cryptonet , @andr1an0 .


This people will resive  15% whaleshares upvote ! Please contact me on Discord !


I hope you like my idea for shering and you will support this project with comments and feedback ! Big THANK YOU  @officialfuzzy and @jphenderson for made this possible !!!!

 Stay up for the next part !


The winners from last 5 parts :







Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !



                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me !


Wow, thanks a lot for choosing me as one of the winners! Congrats to all the winners!!!

Congrats to all the winners!
Whaleshares is just amazing!

Yes whaleshares is the best :)

Why can't this be done without discord?

Not cannot , its hard to contakt tru comments here right ?

Upvote is for future post , the winner have to give me a link , how we will menge this ? What if i miss the comment and on wich post will be ? Is this answer your quesstion ?

Well if you are afraid of missing comment then create another article with payout declined where only those who are interested will comment.

Why to do this ? If somone is intrested on contest he agree with the rules also . One of them is contact me on Discord :) I dont press any one to join this contests :)

Well I just asked why this has to be done in discord, I guess the answer is because you want so.

No the answer is because is heandy , and way easyer to contact people :)

I am actualy not sure why are this so many questions about , but let me be more clear , if you knew how whaleshares works you will knew its a upvote on posts . Person who wins have to give me link for the post he want me to upvote . I will use the whaleshares tool or will send him the whaleshares to BTS adres . All this need a better cordination and i have discord app on my phone but i dont have steem . Plus sometimse i do not chek the comments on my posts right in the moment . Is this answer your quesstion ?

Hey what a good thing for the minnows !
Just crazzy !
You are the one ...


Thank you for visit :)

You're welcome
Followed resteemed upvoted
Good post

Wow ............. and all this in no time ... :P

Faster of the world... More than LUCKY LUKE

Impossible for me to find you on discord.../

I am #9660


Wow just follow the link and text in general chat)

I am on cell phone .... I tried but .... :-(

DONE !!!!! hiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaa

Thanks a lot @patelicho. I am so grateful for this whole community and you especially who is working hard enough for the minnows and steemit as a whole. You guys are my inspiration and I learn a lot from you . Thanks again :)

You are very welcome i actualy love your blog :)

Thank you @patelincho. Feeling great having heard these words from someone inspiring. :)

Happy steeming :)

Congratulations to all the winners! @cryptonet actually won on my minnow support contest this week too.... He really deserves it.

Wow this is cool , he is really good :)

Woow!! Thank You !!!!!!

whoaa, big thanks to you @patelincho . I was blessed to have this. Thankyou for your effort to support the minnow. You always doing kind things to everyone and you're inspired other people^^ also congrats for all the winner!

See you in Discord :)