🐳 Whaleshares reached 5000 member's this week!! Tonight we are having a party!!
Here we are with another whaleshares voice chat giveaway!
The entire Whaleshares community is celebrating reaching 5000 members this week!
I am inviting all of you to come celebrate this with us!
As always I will be giving away WHALESHAREs to everyone who participates, I also have HAIRSHAREs, and I may (and by may I mean I absolutely do) have some BEYONDBitS to give away also!!!
@seveaux is going to dj for us!!!!
Music, Tokens and Great Company, this is a party you don't want to miss!!!!! 💃
Can you guess how many WHALESHAREs will be given out this time?
Make a guess in the comments, guessing how many WHALESHAREs will be given away tonight!!!
The person who is closest will be rewarded 20 WHALESHAREs!
Everyone is welcome
Everybody will have a variety of opportunities!
Make sure to get everything set up on Whaleshares Radio ahead of time.
The text conversation for the party will take place in whale-party: https://discord.gg/fF5nJz
The first five people to arrive will receive 5 each
The PARTY starts now
You must have a openledger/bitshares account name to receive your whaleshares
Please message me on discord with your info if you are selected as a winner.
Please set up push to talk so we can all communicate effectively!
Happy chatting everyone!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask in comments or general chat.
If you don't know what whaleshares are, now is the perfect time to find out!
Whaleshares are brought to you by @officialfuzzy
Much Love,
335 🐳
I'm guessing 512
Wohoo! Growing very fast :) Way to go Whaleshares!
5000 one for each member you reached in this milestone!
that is quite a high guess :)
400 whaleshares
I'm going to guess 4,784
Well who doesn't love parties! I just got in for some cool fun.
Oh!! I forgot, how about 400 whaleshares
Congratulations hopefully the future of this community more advanced.
Hmmmm.i think 497 whaleshares
479 total.... you win 20 whaleshares
Yaaayyy....thanks @krazykrista
Me encanta esta metodología 100% diferentes por eso sus triunfos y crecimiento.
Felicitaciones 💪