Who is @armen?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #whales9 years ago (edited)

And why are both @steemed and @kushed determined to defend them?

This post is probably going to be flagged by some whales and censored. The only way to see the content that I post, would be to follow me. There are good reasons to be following me. I will be exposing wrongly censored material with this page, so that you have the chance to save a post that should not have been censored.

@armen is a steemit account which offers poker advice. Some say this advice is bad advice.

It seems @steemed does not like it when this advice is declared as bad in the comments.


We have our eyes on you too steemed.

Evidently @kushed doesn't like it either.


This is not the first time they have come under the spotlight.


Do all the whales who vote for @steemed as witness agree with this?

And @armen is not the only one @kushed seems to have a crush on...

Wouldn't it be nice to get a $5 tip everytime you said something or someone said something nice to you.

He seems to like everything @honeyscribe and friends has to say. Check the comments for yourselves.


As im quoted itt, ill chime i n.

I do believe that armen's poker advice is terrible, and overvalued. And i have downvoted most of it.

I do not believe that his relationship, if there is one, with kushd is relevant. Bad content is bad content, no matter who posts it. And overvalued content is overvalued content no matter who votes for it or why,.

Yep! If there is some collusion... so what... the market will eventually sort it out.

I keep hearing this argument. That the free market will somehow sort things out. Often framed as a reason not to discuss the very things that the free market will supposedly handle.

This is the free market sorting it out.

This is how that process unfolds. It won't happen on its own. It happens as a result of people speaking out.

Keep up the good work. Investigating things is important. The more information that keeps coming forth the more we see the patterns. As we see the patterns, we see the actors. As we see the actors we see whom we shouldn't be lending our support, and likely whom we do not want as witnesses.

Keep it up.

I have never read @armen's post about poker so I don't even know what his advise is, what I want to say is this down voting doesn't do much good, I mean you can ruin someone's reputation based on an assumption, as far as I've seen on your post I am not sure if people think he is a plagiarist or just a lousy poker player, either way, what I do in that case is just ignore the post, if somebody wants to up vote him that also doesn't trouble me, personally I up vote what I consider good reading or at least something I like and in @kushed's case how would I know what he likes, he can vote any way he wants. Sometimes I disagree with a post and what I do in that case is comment and try to explain why I disagree.
I will tell you something I frankly enjoy reading here, some of the posts are real good some aren't so good, some are downright bad and some are just a video or just a picture or maybe a copied article, or even ridiculous, but hey everyone is trying to do his thing here, and in the end everyone wants to make some money, so in fact I am glad if someone actually makes some.
And finally about the poker advise, would you actually bet money based on advise found on a steem post?

I am not sure you caught the point of the post.

I think I did, bad or plagiarized content being up voted by whales, and again I say just ignore it, I was practically threatened by a group who apparently polices Steemit for a post I put on a Chinese Legend saying it was plagiarism, and I'm sorry you can't plagiarize a legend, you can say anything, it's just a legend and it's not up to me to change the wording and it also has no source. I must say they did not down vote me.
But what I am trying to say is this, if you down vote some one, he will probably hit back, and down vote one of your posts which might actually be a great post and this could go on forever, do we need that?
As for the whales votes there is nothing you can do, they can vote any way they want you can rant all day and they will still do what they want to do, I still think my advise is good if you don't like a post just ignore it or at the most comment about why you thing it's crap.

3 of the accounts mentioned here are on a list of accounts, I felt didn't seem like they followed the path of a minnow attempting to get noticed. Thanks again. We should have a whistle blowing channel somewhere, to put names in and review them. I have been afraid to speak about some of these accounts because I don't have the knowledge to view the block chain and double check my "gut feeling".

You can blow your whistle at me! PM me via steemit.chat with the same name. We will gladly investigate the case and pass it on to others.

Thanks for doing this investigation. kushed, steemed and complexring are all whales and I suspect are closely linked. Kushed continually downvotes me when I am offering constructive arguments as to why Armen's content is bad.

All three of these are witnesses so they cannot be the same person. But it does seem that in the drop of price the whales have banded together acting like bears in the market. They will never see the price of steem rise as long as they panic and hoard the rewards for themselves.

All three of these are witnesses so they cannot be the same person.

Dumb question, but how is this prevented?

The plot thickens! upvoted Great work, throw-away911