
If it doesn't solve the problem then why should it be considered? All it really impacts is new people. Some people like to post a lot, some people don't.

As to the whales or people raping the reward pool. Limiting number of posts even if you limited it to a single post per day wouldn't stop them at all.

They would simply use multiple accounts with delegated power.

If you remove delegated power then they'd just go back to what they did before delegated power and power down their accounts and then power up across many smaller accounts that could all up vote each other.

So limiting the posts WILL NOT solve the problem.

Yet it will introduce potential frustration for new users that don't understand why they are being penalized for how many times they post.

It won't impact me either way, as I did just fine with following the 4 post limit for the most part. Yet sometimes I artificially stopped and did not write something I wanted to write on a day due to being at that limit.

Very good comment indeed, Upped. However, doing nothing is not a solution isn´t it?

No, but neither is doing something that won't work just so we can virtue signal that we did something.

If this was an easy problem we would have done something years ago.

If it hurts user experience, and is easy for the people that are exploiting the system simply by using multiple accounts then implementing it is not a solution. It is just reacting and making things worse for other users.

Is there a solution waiting to be found? Probably, but it will take some serious out of the box thinking and is likely not going to be as easy as limiting the number of posts.

Good point ..limiting posts goes against the concept of decentralization isnt it? thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions.

I don't know that limiting goes against decentralization if it is limited equally on all users. The biggest problem with it is it imposes restrictions, but doesn't actually resolve the problem it is proposed to fix. I mean they did try it for over a year. I didn't see and difference really.

There have been people more concerned about exploiting steemit than making it better since I started here around July 7th, 2016.

This is a problem with us being idealistic. I don't know of any system man has created, any form of government, any corporation, any religion, etc that over time is not corrupted by simple faults of human nature.

Once again you analysed correctly, thank you so much for your prudent input. However , what do you suggest will be the solution to this issue? and will the witnesses accept your suggestions

I don't know a solution at this time. That's the problem.

The problem truly is actually HUMAN NATURE.

As far as I know we haven't found a way to fix those problems yet. Every system we create is corrupted in one way ot another by them.

There can be people that don't give a shit about other people that get ahead.

Yet there is the risk of labeling and generalizing everyone that is doing well into that category when most of them or not. This is much like the 1% label used all over the place these days. 1% of the population is a lot of people in the world. Yet we vilify the 1%. The actual bad actors are likely less than that.

So what I am saying is that forming WITCH HUNTS and GENERALIZING is just another fault of human nature.

We haven't solved those.

I don't know of technological solutions to our problems here yet. The closest thing I can come to a solution is to not up vote anything the bad actors do, don't let your greed drive you into jumping on their latest scheme because you might do well as that is also one of the human nature flaws that leads to this.

If people stopped voting and interacting with them they might be willing to change. Yet if they are powerful enough there are always those willing to attach themselves to the bad actors in hope of a big pay day.

Good point indeed, thanks a lot for your input and I wish you a blessed week

That last comment is a gem! Human nature will always lead some to look for ways to cheat, to take advantage, to find biggest reward for least effort...

Hi there @dwinblood, II think we need for a vote to be made through a steemit community post where consensus and consequence can be voted for, by all users on a situation where its reported by many "high reputation " accounts that they believe that an account is " behaving badly" and to the detriment of the ecosystem ! Maybe then we could treat each case by case as it arises and find " consensus on what should be the approach and action ?? just my thought on this guys )) I am sure this can be possible and would definately encourage better behaviour from all here no ?? big and small acounts, new and old !!

No, but neither is doing something that won't work just so we can virtue signal that we did something.

😂 😂

Sure. Your position and argument is germane. Let's hope for the best. Thanks for the response and let's steem on 👌