-Breaking into your own culture is not an easy matter. Kartini worked softly though through curhatan letter and school for women.
- In the case of Kartini, his enemy is not a dutch, but a feudal folk of his own society. In fact his Dutch friends became friends for his struggle in the Republic.
- At some point in the era of the first struggle, freedom fighters must face two enemies at once, colonialism and feudalism of the nation itself.
- In the case of fighting feudalism we get much help civilization thought from the colonial state society. One example; Kartini's struggle
- Throughout Indonesia has many stories like Kartini, even beyond it. Let's make the treasure of our wealth is not then to compare who is greater.
- According to Goenawan Mohamad Kartini is not a hero. He is victim of the feudal and colonial environment - a victim who is able to arouse a sense of justice.
- According to Kautsar, Kartini is a hero of the victims. Victims of feudalism as well as colonialism. A victim who is able to arouse a sense of justice, so he is called a Hero.
-According to me Kartini is a victim who seeks and manifests justice above his own interests. So where is the side of his hero.

🙅 good post..; 🙅
Iya saya berfikir dan sependapat dengan anda @karmapala.
tidak ada lelaki perbudak wanita seperti di istana, orang-orang berbangsa itu lupa, bahwa wanita tak lain adalah ibu bangsa