Bullion Pot Game 4

This is Original Bullionstackers GoldPot Game transfer from main account. @bullionstackers
How to play Bullion Pot Game?
Step 1
Send ( 0.10 to 0.50 steem ) maximum to @tenaga-satu
Step 2
Guess a number from 1 to 1000 ( Number not to be repeated by anyone otherwise VOID )
- guess as many as you like , one guess per transfer transaction - no memo please !
ie :as little as 0.10 and CAPPED 0.50 steem max transfer
then transfer again for second guess if you desire!
Step 3
Comment below this post with your guessing number
Step 4
Wait until 7 days is over , you should get pay.
To All Gamblers , You Can't Lose !
note: This is a Sarcasm remarks
This is a Trial Post.
Game Post closing 10 March
This is my Account Certified.
Ah , your new account.
Good to know. Love the certification.
Terima Kasih Tuan
Game ini bagus, saya pun boleh membesar.
Iya, ikut akun baru ni.
Tolong dukung akun ni.
Good job
Posted using Partiko Android
Game yang sangat bagus, saya selalu hadir
Hmmmm 🤔
Oh this 5 word comment is worth more than $1 but SFR comments aren't worth payout apparently. How do you figure?
You've flagged @noblebot, @rabbitbot, @kalif, @neutralizer and others but you justify self voting your 5 word comments and that of probably alts.
Doesn't sit well. Don't you think?
anjing indog mana wang pergi? dulu ingat you whale boleh komen bodoh sekarang jadi anjing miskin dah?
so sad... lifeless wannabe keyboard warrior kid. You're nothing but a faggot in real life
empat puluh
nomber 40 Jalan Berluki
cool nine
it is 9
nomber 456 , terima kasih pak Bullion
I bet 919 for my bonus second guess!
Good luck!
Posted using Partiko iOS
guess my lucky no. 724, payment sent :D
Good luck to ALL!
Arrgh! Some more Treasure loot to be found.
Bonus Second Pick!
Double up
Pick another number.
Perfect Ten
High Ten
Number Ten
Sweet 10
Ten out of Ten
Number Ten
number 68
number 45