Author Fund Fundation - vol. 1 Awareness

Here, Why you should SUPPORT this Account
What is Author-Fund?
Author Fund is use for All Author in Steemit.
- The fund raise use for unforeseen poor authors that have good content but miss out by many.
- Emergency Fund
- Boost up Posts.
- Phishing Victims
- Donation
- Scholarship
- Author Loan
- Charity
- Legit Project
All funds will be proceed to Good Authors.
Apa itu Author-Fund akun?
Author Fund akun digunakan untuk Semua Pengarang di Steemit.
Dana ini meningkatkan penggunaan untuk penulis miskin yang tak terduga yang memiliki konten bagus tetapi tidak banyak orang melihat.
- Dana darurat
- Meningkatkan Tulisan.
- Korban Phishing
- Sumbangan
- Beasiswa
- Pinjaman Pengusaha
- Amal
- Proyek yang sah
Semua dana akan diteruskan kepada Penulis yang Baik.
Tolong mendukung akun ini @author-fund
Here, Link
Where We have contributed to:
To help Poor Citizen for Better Living - Donated 20 SBD
This @author-fund account is setup / created by @bullionstackers
@bullionstackers , I Run Fairer Guild !
Funds to Raise no. 1
Another great initiative which I support. Thank you! : )
Thanks for your contribution, we will use it for good use.
We are currently making this account stronger.
My pleasure and I will continue to contribute when I can.
I love all of the different ways this account helps others. : )
you got my support. : )
Thank you @ekavieka for your support
maksudnya apa ini bang eka?
lihat di link dalam posting bang, itu penggalang dana membantu janda 3 anak yang tidak punya tempat tinggal
Thanks you for your support
i have donation too, but not much 🤝 thank you for you attention care to my people land
The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!
wow! this is a really good initiative on your part @bullionstackers! i'm definitely keen to participate in this kind of projects.
Selama ini banyak penulis yang menulis dengan hati mereka, namun mereka tidak mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, semoga dengan ada @author-fund dapat membatu kawan-kawan kita salam @afril
Jgn lupa bang @afril utk ikut mendonasi SBD seperti yg di jelaskan oleh #author-fund di atas, silakan buka link yg di sediakan dlm posting agar abg mengerti.
Thank you membantu saudara adalah kewajiban, saya hanya dapat memberi dengan kekuatan yang saya miliki saat ini
Thank you @afril for your support
You are welcome @author-fund
thanks for the #whalepower information
Thanks for dropping by..
I strongly support @ author-fund May it continue to grow rapidly Always success...
Thank you so much brother, thanks for your helping to get more SBD, I hope many people can help Fitriani.
Author Fund Fundation , just started
Thank you for your support
You're welcome my brother..