What do you know about JUICING?

in #weightloss7 years ago (edited)

I'm sort of addicted to juicing.

And I don't mean like... a green juice once and a while.

I mean like going days, weeks, and months on just juice. Fresh pressed by YOURS TRULY.


So... why juice?
Well... the main reasins people juice fast are for

  1. weightloss
  2. detoxing
  3. healing from disease
  4. to "reset"

My first juice fast I lost 15 lbs in 25 days.
I got to a weight thatIMG_20170307_080714_490.jpg most people might consider unhealthy, BUT, heres something you need to learn about weight, strength, and health.

  1. Most people's standard of health is based on a country that 2/3rds of the population is overweight. Most people eat a very unhealthy diet. We are not our earliest ancestors, unaware of when/where we will get our next meals. There is no use for stored fat.
    Most people eat the "standard American diet," and accepting our bodies has become a trend that keeps us unaccountable for our unhealthy selves.
  2. In order to build a sturdy house you need a SOLID foundation. In order to build a healthy body you need to first detox all of the unhealthy shit. 25 years of eating like garbage, 6 years of alcoholism, a few too many cigarettes, daily caffeine and advil, and my foundation was pretty rocky. No sense building muscle on a garbage foundation, sometimes rebuilding from scratch means getting to a scary LOOKING weight. There's no way you are unhealthy when the only thing going in to your body is fresh organic fruit and veggie juice!

Which brings me to the nex

_--Guys, I don't know what happened, steemit deleted the rest of my post, and I can't add any more pictures now, (to my newb knowledge) or edit the tags. I'm going to re-make this post with all of my pictures. I'm so irritated.!!!!!


Great job Jess! And thank you for posting these pics...it's unfortunate about the accident with steem!

I'll agree with this publicly as well. I'm 5'8, and I was about 195 lbs at one point. I never thought I'd gain THAT much weight. At about 155-ish lbs I began to juice, and I got down to about 110 lbs. After juice fasting, I've bulked up in muscle over the last ~6 months of eating MAINLY fruit ... gained at least 12 lbs in muscle! I'm so happy now that I would be naked in the sun all day if society allowed it lol.

Fuck society. I'm naked as often as possible. :)

what's the message behind your walt disney tattoo? is it, "...where dreams come true." ? :D