in #weed5 years ago


Cannaliberty – Is Vaping Killing People, or Is there A Bit More To The Picture?

As a parent and human (not all parents are humans), I want to make sure that all my children are protected, well fed, well mannered, and able bodied; this means love, discipline, honesty, and reality. That is my ontology of children raising techniques and it cost you nothing but a little of your time! (pats self on back, adjusts self, smirks and moves on…and then trips over own feet).

What Does This Have to Do with Vaping?

Damn, you want to get right to the point, don’t you? Good, let’s just cut the bush down and throw it away, agree? Good.

I have been following the Vaping hyperbole and it is a disappointingly dark comedic attack for both science and liberty. Science something that is observable and verifiable (a crude explanation but it works). There is only “possible” correlation between Vaping and the lung issues that we are experiencing. Possible is not an acceptable means to shut down a whole damn industry; this is irrational, violates the Bill of Rights limits on Congress and States, and is immoral for any Healthcare professional or Scientist calls six people an epidemic when you have millions Vaping on a daily basis.

Never allow Emotion to Control your Reasoning Faculties.

What do we know? Who has this affected? What are the offending products or substances? Due to more studies coming out favoring Vaping over smoking, and Cannabis over opioids, could there be a correlation underlying big Pharma, Big Tobacco and Big Banks? How does Crypto Assets fall into all of this? There are some very serious questions that need to be answered, like every other rational person, I want to make sure anything I purchase is good, top quality product that is safe for my consumption.

What Do We Know?

We know that there are 550 cases of people experiencing lung damage. We know that one of the common factors of this cohort is all of them vape e-Cig products and some use Cannabis product (roughly ten percent) in the form of Vape. We know that six people have died with the cause of death allegedly tied to something contaminating the E-Cig product Vaping line or that of the Cannabis Vaping line of products; a seventh was claimed as of this writing, but I am not including that death until I see more data and facts on this latest alleged Vaping Casualty.

There are tens of million who Vape, and we do know that Vaping has reduced carcinogen intake up to 92% in some studies in Great Britain and other countries, and Vaping has helped many to stop smoking Cigarettes (pissing of Big Tobacco and Big Pharma?). The optics of this in the political world are very similar to that which led up to the Marihuan Taxation Act of 1936, and then to the unleashing of the Drug War in 1970 by President Richard Nixon.

What we know is that this is not an epidemic unless a number so small compared to the number of person Vaping is literally negligible at best, even with the new alleged Vape death Down Under. We know that the Opioid Crisis was brewing as Cannabis legalization or decriminalization is growing and with more people gaining back the choice to use Cannabis in medicinal regimens, has shown to take away the dependency for opioid narcs to manage pain, appetite while on Chemo, and other benefits; could this be what is really driving of what appears to be a sudden disturbance in the e-Cig and Cannabis Industries?

I will cover the other questions I listed above. I really do look forward to your input on these topics and I hope you vote (up or down) because you have read the material on this channel. Please do subscribe, vote, share (if you see a value for someone or yourself), and let’s agree to fight for the Bill of Rights and our Individual Unalienable Rights.

Peace and Love,



I absolutely think there’s a bigger agenda at play here, there are quite a few “interested parties.” Most notably the ones chipping away at our freedom. I appreciate you being a voice of reason on this issue.

For sure there are some aspects and effects of viping they we are still uncertain. Not sure how many studies were made on this, but hopefully this are at least healthier if we can even say like this than cigarettes. But, at least for me this doesn't look to natural, thus probably toxic.

Not a chance there isn't something else going on behind the scenes. Vaping has been around for a little while now. Why is it that all these deaths get attention all of a sudden out of nowhere? 500 deaths from vaping compared to something like 20,000/year deaths from opioids - it's pretty clear which industry needs an overhaul.

You make some great points my friend, with nine possible related deaths, this is a non-starter for sure, and very suspicious as the AMA, CDC never go to shutdown a whole industry for nine possible deaths that these "medical experts" can't even investigate out the real cause if any.

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness...CannaLiberty!

Fully agree with you. The fact is that vaping is damaging the traditional tobacco industry, that’s all.