Wednesday Walk
We are taking a walk through Old Town on our way to the train station to pick up a friend. I parked near the Opera House which is only a few blocks away. The train station has parking, but then my #WednesdayWalk with @tattoodjay would be nonexistent.
Many of the building come from another era, many years ago. Like so many towns in Northern Virginia, you get a warm feeling walking through their towns. I am surrounded by towns like this and I love it. People are always amazed that the Washington, DC metro area has these pockets of pretty.
There is so much that can be said for the friendly manner in which I am greeted when I go into the Post Office and see my people. It takes so little effort to be kind to people and extend simple courtesies. Wave to my Post Office workers. Give one, get one.
Up and down the streets, the benches are an adventure and journey for your imagination.
We have only gone about five blocks, but, if you are like me, a nice cappuccino sounds like a nice diversion, a break in the walk. Slow down, you're moving too fast. We did the brisk run through town and now we will take it down a notch. We are running ahead of schedule.
This is one of my favorite places to peruse. Oh, I love my kindle, but, it will never replace the feel of a book in my hands. The sense of it. One day, I will bring you inside. It is pretty unique and doesn't have only books. Do they ever?
We are only a minute from the commuter train station from the Pavillion. Farmers Markets are held here, civic events...they even have ice skating in the winter. In the summer, I have spent many moments listening to the music floating through Old Town via the Pavillion. Lawn chairs and blankets adorn the area and it is like a neighborhood night out.
Quaint little waiting area
And ... here she comes!
Love is all around you!
So the joy may touch your soul
(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥
As an aside: Happy International Cat Day!
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Some days closing our eyes and letting the warm thoughts beat back the wrong, harsh logic is as good as it gets...but that is ok because sometimes that is just what we need.
You do know I have been known to do a little opera, right. Oh yes, some Pavarotti. Ive been told I probably could have taught him a thing or two, but I am too humble to mention that...
Oh why yes Ill have a cappuccino! You are certainly so much more than generous! Mmm perfect, in fact! Just the way I like it.
Oh my our poor old Amtrak looks like it has been through the war. You ever see the trains in Japan how they gleam! What a shame.
Well this was an all too much fun post and your love picture is the icing on the cake. Just too cute! Great post, Sunshine!
That's so very true. Sometimes just closing your eyes and letting those thoughts shutout the logic, especially the ones that are harsh... Well, there are days that's as good as it gets sometimes that's as good as you need to have it.
I will admit to knowing that he would Opera hold hands once in awhile, especially your Pavarotti. I'm pretty sure that you would have been a good student right after he fixed your humbleness. No matter what you do.
You know I have to have my coffee and cappuccino or french press or my favorite. And stop making fun of my Amtrak because it will be used and we have to go far here at the states unlike in Japan where the distance is not that great. Ours are workhorses that have been well used. I'm glad you like the post because I sure had fun doing it. By Wednesday walk is right up there with tree Tuesday.
Upped and steemed
Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!
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What a cool place really is like we stepped back in time with you for the walk
Do your thoughts run wild, do you think too much - Ohh yes for em that is the case rain or shine, my mind is running at 1100 Miles an hour LOL
thanks for joining Wednesday Walk tip!
Oh, yes!!! My thoughts always run on the wild side, just waiting for my brain to shut down... which means I can finally go to bed. I have come to really love WednesdayWalk and how fun it is to take everyone with me. It was a great idea, JJ!
Thank you so much for everything you do.
@dswigle And thank you for being the kind generous person you are
I have a set routine for my last half hour before I go to bead each night as if not I wont sleep, when I was younger, shoot just five yers ago, I never did that and often I would just forget about sleeping now i make sure to get at least well normally its just get 5 to 6 hours sleep a night
Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!
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I love opera, let's go!!
ME TOO!!! When I lived in Connecticut, I worked in NYC and spent as much time at the Met as I could afford! :)
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It alwalys pleasant to walk around to view what you have surrounded. Train station, bench, the train all is showing disciplinary.
Thank you so much for your appreciation!
What a delightful tour! Thanks for taking me along.
Yes, and yes. lol! That made me giggle.
Slow down, you move too fast...
I really enjoyed seeing the old buildings and colourful benches. And Opera Alley. Fascinating. Wonderful post!
Oh, girl! You are so cool! Thank you so much for being so kind. And for the visit. It's true! My brain never shuts down until I fall asleep. All the little towns outside of Washington, DC are like this. One of the reasons I like the area.
Hi @katrina-ariel! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!
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My mind likes to get flooded with thoughts when I am trying to go to sleep. I've been saying for a few years now that my body is an asshole. lol
I love love love walking through towns like this! <3
Noooo!!! Mine does too. What's up with that? I wait all day just to slide between those sheets and put my mind to rest.
I love these little towns too and the area is dotted with them!
Hi Deb!
All those buildings are really different than what you'd see in a modern town! Well not like they seem ancient at all, but they have that old-timey look to them while still being modern...
Truth. Some of the towns are hundreds of years old, but, this one, in particular, is really from the early 1900's and a lot of the same businesses are still in the buildings.
Amazing. No?
Hi @snrm! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!
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Your old Town is quaint and somewhat of a throwback to a gentler time. I love it! I would be walking there and having my coffee every day!
Yes! I do have coffee a lot there, especially when I am meeting someone. It has more coffee shops than parking meters. LOL
It is a kinder, gentler time and it is reflected in the entire town.
I would love to visit this town...
Believe it or not, there are so many towns like this right out of Washington, DC. It is like visiting a different world except they flow right into each other almost seamlessly.
Weird, huh?
Hi @cecicastor! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!
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That looks like an excellent place to take a wander. Nice to know these places still exist where life is at a more sensible pace and people say hello at the drop of a hat.
Please don't. I like this pace just fine :)
It really is. It doesn't have any big box stores, but, they don't try to gouge you in most of their stuff, so many of the locals shop here.
And people are nice. Well, people are nice most places, I am sure. I always find people that are kind almost everywhere I go.
Yes, the pace is pleasing. I will carry on. :)
Yep it's so nice to find a place that feels more honest.
The price gouging is rampant in so many stores these days. Short term thinking on their part.
My daughter bought a door stop the other day for £2.50 in Mothercare. The next day she found 3 doorstops for a £1 on a street market stall.
That's just nuts. No wonder these big box stores are going bust?
Does look real homey, like you say. Thanks for the classy walk. :-)
Thank you! So many of the smaller towns right out of Washington, DC are like this. Small and full of charm or history... or both. I hope you have a most wonderful Thursday!
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