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in #website4 years ago


So let's VIP Now, this is got around 32 million visitors a month.

It's available on desktop on my iOS and on Android and the user base is incredibly active there is over 100 million users on this platform. So there's lots of different languages being spoken on this platform, which I think is a really positive thing. So this is what it runs itself has free and secure calls and messages to anyone anywhere. So that's the main selling point but there's communities here and they're all based around specific niches.

Means you can find your tribe you can create communities and what we delve into this you going to see that there's lots of opportunity here and that's why I'm sharing it with you today. I see the opportunity in this so maybe you will take self go to Features you going to see that? It's just like any other messaging app, right? get free more source

But if we go up here and go to community now, it's going to get interesting so we can reach out and network and create groups and build an audience or tap into existing audiences. I'll show you how to do that in a few minutes. Now, there's another element of this that I think is going to be interesting to you which is the business section if we could get there.

Hear it claims that it's got 1 billion users worldwide the stuff. I so previously when I was doing my research suggested around a hundred million active actively engaging 7 million interactions every minute 7 million interactions every minute. Basically, I just want you to know what exists on this platform. I haven't used the business tools yet. I'm not associated with these guys or an affiliate on his anything like that. I don't receive any commission for this or any of the videos I make and you'll see that the partner with Coca-Cola lore'l so maybe he's going to benefit you to eat. Of course. You read the judge, right? So let's go up go to the download section. So we're going to use two versions on Face. The reason why we're going to use it on the computer and then on a phone is because that's

Hours, I can see there's some things that we can't do on the desktop on Mac version that we can do on the phone version. So what we're going to do is set it up very quick and easy to do and then
I'll show you how to use on a desktop and then we'll jump over to the phone version will we take things a little bit further? Okay. So on the download page just choose your weapon there.