User materials may turn out to be fake, and the responsibility will fall on the journalist

in #web32 years ago


The problem of dissemination of unreliable information - false information under the guise of reliable information - has been discussed on the Internet for more than a year, including at the international level. The legislation of different countries is supplemented by provisions on liability for the dissemination of fake news.

However, in an age of rapid social media development, many media outlets are faced with a lack of guidelines and rules on how to use user-generated content, such as videos taken by witnesses to events. User materials may turn out to be fake, and the responsibility will fall on the journalist.

In an attempt to describe the moral and ethical responsibility of a journalist in this area, the Online News Association in 2016 introduced a "code of ethics for journalists working with user-generated content." It focuses on the 10 main situations associated with working with content found in social media.

The issue of spreading fake news or any other kind of inappropriate online behavior becomes even more vague when it comes not to journalists, but to Internet users. There are no codes for them. However, social media posts are still being regulated.

All distributors can be divided into main groups.

Administrators of large communities (publics) in social networks, as well as authors of personal pages or blogs with many subscribers. This also includes the owners of popular information channels in instant messengers.

Their goal is simple: the publication of unverified or deliberately false information helps to gain a new audience and “promote” a page on the Internet. And this, in turn, generates advertising and revenue.

Not very popular news publications. Their principle of operation is somewhat similar to the previous paragraph. Competition with respected and readable media is so haunting that the authors are ready to come up with any kind of story for publication that will “shoot” and bring new readers.

Bots - they can be real people or special algorithms that help multiply fake facts almost automatically. The program works much more efficiently and faster. And, if a person can still be convicted of a lie, then it is almost impossible to “catch the hand” of a bot.

Companies. Conscience-stricken advertisers also use similar tactics, especially in uncertain times.

Trolls are special provocateurs who cause negativity with their posts or comments from other users. They do this either for their own pleasure, or by order of individuals who need to resonate in the online space.

Major media. Alas, even large news agencies are not immune from fakes. If accidentally published false material can be refuted, then sometimes disinformation is served to viewers intentionally, depending on the goals pursued.

And this is where the Exorde protocol can help. Exorde is built around a core platform that provides unbiased credibility scores for information (and virality-related analytics) based on the community, AI modules, and a token-based economy.

Exorde uses an open source decentralized protocol to collect data from around the world. The project is based on the idea of ​​decentralization, which guarantees data neutrality and transparency. Exorde aims to extract and sell brand/cryptocurrency/share reputation scores based on what people say on social media.

Exorde receives input URLs for public information such as social media posts, press articles, photos, and videos. These URLs are then processed in a decentralized data pipeline that produces output graphs linking all similar data and facts. The analyzed content is stored in an archive that has open access, so any person can access the original information at any time and from anywhere in the world.

Exorde is run by its DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and uses community votes and polls. Management will be decentralized among all members of the community. Collectively, they will be able to change the internal rules and parameters of the systems (rewards, limits, delays, scheduling, etc.) and will have a built-in reputation system. These mechanisms are designed to continually align the interests of the community and its governance for the benefit of Exorde.
