Is it a good pleasure analytics?

in #web32 years ago


Determine the most profitable directions, identify sources of hidden costs, evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies, clarify the portrait of the target audience, drawing up an increase in conversion is a far from a complete list of typical tasks of the data analyst.

Having collected disparate information from various open sources, the analyst will make brief and understandable reports so that the leader clearly see all the most important indicators of his business and can make the necessary management decisions in a timely manner. For example, to increase investments in those advertising channels that lead to the website of the online store more visitors interested in products, or to introduce a system of recommendations to increase the average check. Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that every data leader needs data analytics today.

It is believed that data analytics are an expensive pleasure, and an experienced Data Professional can cost like a top manager of a large corporation. However, big data is not always large expenses. For example, startups and small companies are inappropriate to hire an expensive specialist and independently deploy their own cluster for storing and processing information. And here the Exorde protocol can help. Exorde is built around the basic platform that provides objective assessments of confidence in information (and analytics related to virality) based on the community, artificial intelligence modules and economics based on tokens.

Exorde uses a decentralized open source protocol to collect data around the world. The project is based on the idea of ​​decentralization, which guarantees the neutrality and transparency of the data. Exorde seeks to extract and sell assessments of brands/cryptocurrency reputation/shares based on what people say on social networks.

Exorde receives input URLs of publicly accessible information: messages on social networks, articles in the press, photographs and videos. Then these URLs are processed in a decentralized conveyor of data, which issues output graphs that connect all similar data and facts. The analyzed content is stored in the archive that has open access, so any person can access initial information at any time and from anywhere in the world.

Exorde is controlled by its DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) and uses the voices and surveys of the community. The management will be decentralized among all members of the community. Collectively they will be able to change the internal rules and parameters of systems (remuneration, restrictions, delay, planning, etc.) and will have a built -in reputation system. These mechanisms are designed to constant coordination of the interests of the community and its management for the benefit of Exorde.

Exorde working systems are the main component and will serve as a basic level for the entire ecosystem. Exorde is based on four main parameters:

Ethereum is an open source platform, it allows developers to create and unfold on it decentralized applications.

The twitter Exorde is now officially stimulated!
How to take part?

For new participants:
You can participate using our CLI/Docker (compatible with Linux/Ubuntu, Mac and Windows) or the graphic version of the EXORDE module for Windows 8/10. It is easy to participate in the program as soon as you have a working module: just run it, you do not need to take any action.
Exorde Labs is constantly improving all systems at an early stage: some large updates will lead to a forced shutdown of all modules. Some updates will be loyal. In any case, the restart of your module (OV) will make it (them) relevant. There is no need to download the archive again if we do not say this in ╿Testnet.

Future rewards

Remunerations will be in the form of EXD tokens and, possibly, REP in Mainnet, after planned launch in February 2023. The current EXDT token is not your future reward. It is in Testnet to model the future token, and its role will change within a few weeks. Only the reputation (Rep) will determine how many awards you will receive. Reputation is the points of participation in Testnet. Making a reputation (REP) now is like "getting" EXD in the future.

Skale is an elastic network of the side chain connected to the Ethereum chain, acting as the level of execution. This is a scalable and elastic environment that provides high transaction throughput.

Filecoin is a decentralized data storage system that intends to replace expensive and ineffective Google and Amazon servers.

NLP-module of artificial intelligence, which will work with unstructured text. AI will be able to recognize objects in the text, extract sentences, facts, compare them with each other and perform similarity checks.

Written by Moonvoyager
Exorde Approved by Coinlist, Nodes Guru, Dropsearn