What will we do with all the money we are making online?

in #wealth9 years ago (edited)

I have been around and doing internet marketing for a little while now and have friends that are making huge sums of money.

![Image of digitalcurrencey]

They are buying all kinds of stuff and showing off large bank accounts.

I worry about is what would happen if the economy was to tank, not only here but around the world, like it did in 2008 but only much worse. How are people protecting their wealth? Or are they even thinking about it or aware of what is happening in the financial world?

I will be sharing content that I come accross all the time so that people can protect themselves from this and all kinds of catastrophies. I live in Florida with threats of hurricanes, so I'm alwasy prepared for a disaster. I can do without power or food or water for weeks on end but most people cannot.

If you have much wealth and are not protected I would plan on buying a good amount of Gold and Silver of all kinds. I don't really look at precious metals as an investment per se, although you will probably increase your money greatly, but I look at it as a way to store, protect and keep what I have in case of the market crashing.

I will put up an article I found early this morning next on Gold. I get many investment newsletters and alerts so they focus mainly on the investment aspect of these kind of things. I like investing but in this current financial climate I'm more concerned with security and protecting my assets and not staying too long in the markets of any kind.


Final note: If you have your money in the bank, 401k or IRA be careful. In this next collapse all those things will virtually disappear over night. If you can't hold it in your hand it will be gone...

I'll post that article about the metals in awhile. Enjoy your weekend and let me know what you think.


Simply Great Information and Presentation