Business Ventures... To earn more and invest more! The journey to financial freedom.

in #wealth6 years ago

So as you know, I'm into cryptocurrency investing and trading (as well as forex) and would also love to diversify into other investments in time, such as property, precious metals, stocks and art.

For now though, I'm new to my investment journey and still working a full time job to generate enough income to pay the bills and put some aside each month to invest, mostly into crypto's as I see this area as having the greatest growth potential right now.

I'd love to diversify but my investment isn't huge, so I'm at an aggressive growth stage... all or nothing!

One piece of advice I've been given is that if I really want to break this cycle quicker, I need to invest more... by either cutting back each month, increasing income each month or even better, both!

So, we've cut back where we can without entering into poverty or stopping the kids from going to their clubs. I did ask the Mrs if she'd consider living in a van and getting rid of the house but that didn't go down too well.

Next step is increasing income. There is a possible promotion coming up for me soon in the place I work and detest... apart from that there is not much else that can match my pay doing the same thing right now.

What about a side business? Well 18 months ago I started an art side business which has only served to eat up money instead of making money. I'm not particularly entrepreneurial, possibly more intrapreneurial! I'm struggling to find a business idea that I can work around my job that isn't a simple exchange of time for money (as that's what I'm trying to break free from)

Who here has their own business and could offer me some thoughts, ideas or advice that I can look into?

I'm feeling a little disheartened that my art business hasn't worked out the way I hoped. I'm not going to fold the business as I have things I want to do in the future when I invest in art.

I'd love to know your thoughts!

About me...


I've had an interest in trading since 2009 after I attended a seminar on spreadbetting...
But I never really took it seriously and have been in and out of trading ever since, losing plenty of money along the way but gaining some valuable experiences which only now is falling into place.

2017 led to a chance online meeting with a former RAF pilot-turned-trader which ignited my trading interest again and this time I was armed with a better mindset and a better time structure in order to focus on learning this life valuable skill!

And what an interesting time to jump back on board the trading train! With cryptocurrencies gaining attention and the blockchain technology becoming more widely adopted, we have a unique opportunity to capitalise on the huge gains this market has yet to offer!

I'm still early on in my serious trading journey and still have a lot to implement and learn... but I hope to inspire others along the way! In order to survive and keep paying my bills, I still have a full time job which I invest 10% into my trading pot each month and allocate 10% towards continuous education and knowledge.

I am part of the Realistic Trader group run by that ex-RAF pilot and now one of the biggest voices on Crypto's, Siam Kidd. This offers me education as well as ongoing support to help me on my journey. If you'd like to be a part of this group too and learn how to safely buy and trade cryptocurrencies, come along and join us! - Disclaimer: This is an affiliate link but I'd only ever offer services that I actively use. Plus the affiliate fee would really help me to add to my trading pot.

You can follow my journey here on SteemIt (If you get any value from my posts then please UpVote it. As Tesco says"Every Little Helps") or come and visit my website at EXF Trading

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