Control-finance... SCAM or NOT?

in #wealth8 years ago

Thought I'd post up my findings for this investment scheme that I found a few weeks back and tell you how its going.
So its been 34 days since I first put my deposit in and its still paying out. So far I have deposited 333 dollars into this thing and everyday its been paying me out As you can see from the screenshot of my account from below.

Now you should all be aware these high yield investment schemes do not stay around long and you do not go putting everything into this, as it will come closing one day without any notice. Some people say its a ponzie scheme... Maybe it is.

So far it's still paying me and I am still yet to make my ROI yet. So hopefully it will last til then.
If you wanna join click here and do your research first. I'd put in something little to test it out and see how comfortable you are with this thing.

Good luck and let me know how you go with this program.