The N(e)XT chapter in the NXT asset swap to Wavesplatform.

in #waves5 years ago (edited)

The N(e)XT chapter in the NXT asset swap to Wavesplatform

Hello all,

As most people will know by now, there are a lot of people fighting for over 3 years now to get their old NXT assets created By Sasha Ivanov swapped as he promised 3 years ago. 

They story just got a new chapter as the manager of the swap Petr Korotin is telling a lies. I'm not sure yet if he does it on purpose or he really don't know better. 

It should be well known by now why a lot of Sasha's NXT asset holders didn't swap when the Waves ICO took place. He promised the holders that those assets would be swapped when the Waves blockchain was live. Those assets would be "foundation assets" as he named them. 

 On the 28th of May 2019 I received an e-mail coming from the address [email protected]. It had the following text:

Hello, you are an owner of old NXT assets issued by sasha35625, it's time to swap them into Waves WCT token. Overview of the swap process: You can take part in the swap if you are a holder of one of the following NXT-based assets Coinomat Coinomat1 Cryptofund Indexrev NEXT In order to receive 0.05 WCT (Waves Community Token) for each of the tokens mentioned in the list above, you must send your NXT assets to this wallet address: NXT-WLLP-NRRT-6MTB-CBW9C Do not forget to paste your Waves address into the ‘Message’ field of the NXT transaction. This address will be used to send you swapped WCT tokens. If you do not include your address, you will not be able to receive your WCT. Please take into account that only accounts created using the official Waves products are eligible to participate in the swap. You can install them by visiting the official Waves website: You can get acquainted with more specifications about the swap in the FAQ: Ride on Waves! Sasha35625 :)

This e-mail pissed off a lot of investors. Such an unfair swap rate after a 3 years wait. So myself and other NXT holders ended several e-mails to Sasha to address that this separate is unfair after such a long wait and almost all promises being broken. 

Sasha responded to most of us. He asked is what would be a fair rate for the swap. 

On the 11th of June 2019 Sasha responded in an e-mail sender from the address [email protected]. It had the following text:

Dear fellow NXT-ers, as you know I have announced a swap for some outstanding assets that had been issued on NXT chain and were not swapped into Waves tokens during corresponding swap procedure. We have received a rather negative feedback from community, asset holders who missed Waves swap probably feel a little disappointed. On the other hand, the swap has happened already three years ago, and I was pretty sure that most of the people had swapped their tokens into Waves. I really appreciate NXT and NXT community, it has become a cradle of many established projects, including Waves. So I'd like to make sure that people who supported my projects are happy. Most of the negative reaction was caused by the flat swap rate offered for all tokens. It makes sense to offer custom swap procedure for particular tokens, which takes into account their price during the first Waves swap. Also different tokens can be offered, beyond WCT. I will offer custom rates for different tokens, and we'll do custom swaps for each token. Some of the tokens will be even swapped for upcoming tokens on Waves, which should give them some additional exposure. Stay tuned for the specific tokens information! Sasha35625

On the 20th of June 2019 Sasha did send instructions to swap the following assets though e-mail:

  1. Cryptocard;  
  2. Forkpay;
  3.  Bitfirm.

He would swap them for 0.1 WCT each.

The tekst of the e-mail ended from the address [email protected]:

Hello fellow NXTers :) it's time to swap the following assets issued by sasha35625: Cryptocard, Forkpay, Bitfirm Swap rates are 0.1 WCT for all the tokens above you must send your NXT assets to this wallet address: NXT-WLLP-NRRT-6MTB-CBW9C Do not forget to paste your Waves address into the ‘Message’ field of the NXT transaction. Additional swaps will be announced shortly sasha35625

I swapped the above assets without a problem.

In the e-mail Sasha stated the following  "Additional swaps will be announced shortly sasha35625"

Myself and the other investors didn't received any message about the swap for the assets that still have to be swapped. Those assets are:

  1. Coinomat;
  2. Cryptofund;
  3. Indexrev;
  4. NEXT.

On the 3th of November 2019 I decided to ask Petr Korotin about the swap. He was the one responsible for the swap according the waves community manager in the Wavesplatform Telegram channel.

I asked if he had info about the swap. On Telegram he responded with the following message:

Petr Korotin, [05.11.19 13:38] Hello! We are thrilled to announce that all the tokens from the latest revealed list are being swapped successfully and every holder received $WCT (Waves Community Token) in exchange for them. In case you've been a long-time holder of any NXT asset and would like to learn more about the procedure of swap in your particular case, then just email us via: [email protected] Each case will be considered separately and the final decision will be based mostly on the duration of an asset holding in your wallet. To be more precisely, you need to hold any of your NXT asset since 2016 in order to be eligible for the swap. Sincerely, Waves Platform CM

Ehh what? Swap did happen? How could it be. Myself and the other holders of the NXT assets Sasha created didn't receive any message. So I decided to send an e-mail to [email protected] as he said it in the message on Telegram. In this message I told Petr about the assets I still had and how manny. I have those assets since 2016 as stated in the message Petr did send. 

I did not receive a reaction. 

On Telegram I asked about my e-mail. Peter did send the following answer:

 [13.11.19 15:29] This one ? Yes, I saw him, sorry I did not answer because I was on vacation. At the moment, we have already completed the swap of these tokens. The swap was completed at the end of October. Here is the complete list of assets that have already been swaped for our NXT-Holders this year: • $Coinomat • $Coinomat1 • $NEXT • $IndexRev • $Cryptofund • $Cryptocard • $Forkpay • $Bitfirm

Ehh? I have to send an e-mail to learn about the swap but the swap did happen? How could we know it already happened when we didn't receive an e-mail as Sasha stated in one of his e-mails to the holders.

This message really pissed me off since all the NXT holders I have contact with, all didn't know there was a swap. 

I linked the e-mail to Petr about the first proposal dated 28th of may 2019 . Before I could explain the story he said:

 [13.11.19 15:41] [In reply to Tecem] so why didn’t you take part?

So it seems Petr doesn't know Sasha did send e-mails later after he received complains about the swap rates. I didn't take part because Sasha said he would make new swap rates and he would get back to us about the other assets as seen in the e-mail he did send the 20th of June 2019. 

I Explained the above on Telegram but no Answer.

Conclusion so far.

There are still assets left that have to be swapped. Not only my assets but all of the NXT asset holders I know did not receive any message about a swap for the assets that are left. Some of them did receive the same answer from Petr about the swap that did happen.  This is simply not true. Also Petr said why I didn't swap. It was because Sasha would let us know additional swap rates as he said in his e-mail. No one received a followup mail. Is Petr hiding the truth or does he really now know what his CEO Sasha did promise in E-mails. 

If you check the swap-address on the NXT block explorer NXT-WLLP-NRRT-6MTB-CBW9C, you will see only 1 address is sending Cryptofund asset to the swap-address. So where are all those other addresses that have to be swapped and could have known this?

The promised follow up mail with swap rates did not happen.
Petr Telling to mail for instructions to swap but after tells it already happened. 

Again promises broken. and some not speaking the truth about the swap!

Ill hope this will finally get fixed in a good way so the book could be closed. In addition some of our authorities are already informed and could start an investigation regarding fraud and scam.