Watercolor fairy tails I. THREE WISHES

in #watercolor7 years ago

Down there under the cold spring.
Behind the stone and close to big oak, there was one not golden fish lining in peace and sounds of spring. She never new how close the oak was, bacause it was not her world. She never knew how loud the spring was becase pishes do not have good ears. She never see the beauty of her glittery body, because fishes do not go out of water to see their reflection.
I m sorry im not that fish. I can describe the scene from my point of view sitting by the spring. And say what she told me. Because you may not know, but fishes do speak.
She is not happy, she said. What a life?! Wake up when the sun wakes up, getting strong reflection to sensitive eyes. Or worse getting a strong drop of rain directly to forehead before having breakfast. And it was just beginning. She was very tired and bored of living the same every single day. But even if she was not happy, she was pretty polite and said she doesn´t want to complain all the time and asked me what brought me (such a lovely being, she said) to this terrible-terrible place.
-I´m confused, I came here to find my peace and listen to sound of water and singing of birds, I said.
-Birds?! she screamed. They are just complaining all the time, can you not hear that?
I was pretty suprised.
-So fishes and birds can understand each other?
-No, but I am very lucky I dont understand them.
-So how do you know, they are just complainig?
-What else could those stupid animals speak about?
-Hey, Fish, please tell me your name, I asked, because I didn ´t know what else to ask.
She run away to hide.
(little fish cries behind the stone)
-I´m sorry, I said.
-It´s not your fault...
-You don´t like your name, little fish?
-I dont have any.
-And you would like to have one?
-Well, even if I had a name....I have no one to call me that name.
-I can call you.
-Can you?
-Of course I can!
-That would be wonderful!
-OK, do you have any idea what would you like to be called?
-I don´t care, you can call just Fish, but pretend you are not here yet and call me and I will come!- she was so excited.
We did this several times. With the last call she was not so happy anymore and she started to think about another game we could play.
-I´m sorry Fish, but I would really like just to sit and listen to birds and spring sounds now.
-It´s stupid! You are stupid! If you will be just sitting here, my life will make no sense!
-It was a nice time with you, I can make you sure, our talk will stay in my toughs. Does it make sense?
-Well....it make sense for your life, not mine...I´m just a little fish.
-No you are Fish, remember?
Fish just left.

Another day I came to say hi.
-YOU!-Fish said with a happiest voice I heard.
-I´m so happy to see you happy- I said.
-I´m not happy when you are not around.
-Oh, the birds?
-Everything here this place. Maybe you could move up here. Actualy you have to move up here!
So I did. It was a wonderful place for living. I was happy and Fish was unhappy.

After some time I came to speak with Fish.
-Hi Fish! I was thinking...Everybody should have three wishes in their life coming true. You had two. What is your third?
This day, Fish felt very sorry for her self and she just whispered quietly
-I think I wish not to have wishes anymore. I just want to be.18945309_10211895465329752_2069561200_n.jpg

And we were living next to each other happily ever after.