The Possibility of World War III. My Point of Wiew.
Let me remind, I am from Russia. Today, I will review different variants of possibility for the beginning World War III by Russia.
First variant of scenario.
Fifteen years in the country growing influence of one party. Unfortunately, it already has a monopoly on the adoption of the law or on rejection of it. In fact, there is no publicity and democracy. Anti-constitutional laws are adopted last few years. As example - The law on the formation of the National Guard. This National Guard can shooting at the population and penetrate in homes without a court order. The government is gradually prepared for war or for revolution. Because it is clear even to the fool, Guard protects the government, not the people! All fifteen years, the country is immersed in a more difficult economic conditions for the people of our country. And the worst thing is that most people - the blind patriots. Government's mass media poured in heads each day - in all troubles of the Russia, you MUST blame USA! None of these people don't even think about to raise his head and look at what makes them puppeteer... They absolutely have no understanding of what "Governments playing their biceps", but ordinary people would be forced to fight and die. And they (all those patriots) are already included in this list of allowable loss! If you rely on these facts, the forecast is clear - the war to be. Because in the case of an order, these people start a war without doubts and regrets.
Second version of scenario.
Based on the foregoing, I add. For all these years corruption and general poverty of people has reached catastrophic proportions. People don't live, they survive! Many are already on the edge... to feed their families, they are ready for anything. Crime is increasing exponentially. The police, the army, all were involved in the crime. Different segments of the population hate each other. Blame each other. Very small amount of people are willing to try to change something and take the responsibility. Most follow the path of least resistance. After all, a herd cannot be without a shepherd... In this situation, the likelihood of rebellion... revolution, much more high. But again, with this development of the plot, no one can guarantee, that no one country will take advantage of the vulnerability and weakness Russia and will not attack... Perhaps odds for war lower than in the first variant, but still high.
Another one variant.
I have a friends, which served or serving in... some departments. This intelligent people. They used to think for many moves ahead. They are used to calculate the consequences of any action. They stay in the shadows and observe. They don't trust the president, government. How can you trust someone who has brought his country to poverty, blaming Europe, USA... but his children live there and learn? And I cannot predict the course of events. But the families of these people do not live in Europe, they live in Russia. They more than anyone else interested in the preservation of peace. And in the case of a real threat of war, coming from our government, they will do everything possible to prevent it. At the same time, if possible, to avoid revolution. Because the revolution - it is even more terrible war for Russia.
Proceeding from all of it, I view the reality of war - 25-35% I understand perfectly, that the governments protect only themselves and their money. Trying to manipulate the citizens of their countries... posing it as care of them. But I know that there are still reasonable people, although a minority. I believe in a reasonable outcome of the cases. But anyway I'm preparing for the worst...
Sincerely, TerryCraft.
thank you for sharing your thoughts, I drew this 4 years ago

thank you for your thoughts
sure hope we don't see it escalate
I hope...
Interesting to hear your perspective. Thanks for sharing! It's almost exactly the same I have of my government here in the US. I like your point about the people wanting to preserve peace though. Thats true of a lot of people here too. The people want peace, but the governments want war. The people that are completely brainwashed by the mainstream media might want to go to war, but its because they've been manipulated by fear.
Mainstream media...? I think you spelled "Political Propaganda Artists" wrong...
Absolutely right. Fear - one of the best levers of pressure. And money, of course.
There is definitely something in the works...Syria appears to provide the perfect platform for a proxy war between the US and Russia...It goes without saying that there is bad blood between the ruling regimes of the two countries...Obama draws lines in the sand and Putin pisses all over them...guess we'll have to wait and see.
A well written blog. It is up to us the people (I am in UK) to behave with integrity. If we all keep talking on Steemit we will help keep a peaceful earth. Love anf peace to you in Russia :)
Great post, liked your point of view. It's interesting how many countries use the "us vs them" mentality. It's even more interesting how long through out history that technique has been used.
For government is always easier to blame someone else, than to take responsibility for their actions. The worst thing is that there will always be a crowd of fanatics, who will take it on faith. Lack of critical thinking - a bad thing!
Yes, more than that even. They employ techniques (propaganda) to get their citizens used to saying yes to them. Eventually training their citizens to comply to any request that is made, Even it isn't good for it's citizens.
Wow thanks for sharing this potentially controversial post!
I Agree with you and as @richardcrill said its similar here as it is there.
BIG government, lots of money, war mongering, propaganda, lies, etc.
Most people in most countries are good at heart but have been misguided, indoctrinated, manipulated or even forced into things.
I hope that the internet, blockchains and cryptocurrencys can help change that!
Wishing you and your country blessings~*~