Power of Love Versus Love for Power

in #war7 years ago

Life always have that sting in it, reminding you of how things are been over rated and what should be rated is being down-rated if I may say. The world keeps on fighting over power and a question do pop-up in mind saying why fight so hard just to hold on to power, why can’t it be shared. We are so full of our selfish interest that there is no chance for equity to take place in the world. The world at large is just a shit-hole so much killing for no basic reason, we result to violence in order to pass our message across forgetting that the greatest stoic of all said “The best revenge is to be unlike your enemy”….. Marcus Aurelius


My country Nigeria, the giant of Africa, a country which is rich in culture and has over 500 ethnic groups, in which I believe Ethnicity alongside Religion and Poverty are the major problem of our country. I’m not saying that we should not have an identity, we do forget that loving our country should be the major key in our heart no matter what. Let us throw away this ethnicity barrier among us, I want to see a community where an Igbo man living in the west will not be address as Omo-igbo (Igbo man or woman) trust me he has a name, it’s like we are rubbing it on his face that he doesn’t belong here, let us address him with his or her name and same with other tribes. I know we can do better. Let us preach love to our children, let us stop telling our children not to play with other kids from different tribes. There is no bad or good person and to my opinion I believe the environment we grow up in plays a big role in our life. For example you don’t expect someone that grew-up in an environment of violent to be lukewarm, never, we have to show the person love so that he can understand that there are other ways to life because if we don’t he will think violent is the only way to life. I love the spirit we all showed when we had the case of the chibook girls our togetherness really went a long way to the point where people abroad showed support to the #bring our girls back. We should emulate that spirit. Let us see each other has one.

I believe we need to go back to the basics i.e. teaching our children’s in school to learn to love the country, grow their national pride so that they will have respect someday as a citizen, the implication of their actions or choices and the effect it will have on the masses.
Look at Syria, the Battle in Aleppo, explain to me why won’t they take or think violent as an option. When so many souls, homes, dream were destroyed. I believe they won’t result into violent if we show and express to them that there’s more to life through Love, they had to go through the battle for six years all because of Power, Damn!!!!. My heart melted when I saw a tweet from Fares shebhabi saying


Another one was from Ayesha saying,


Which is true.

I’m a shitty writer but I just had to express my point on this issue that breaks my heart all the time. We speak, preach, teach and write about Love but it’s just sad that we don’t show and express it. Wow, I seriously didn’t know I got all of this in me but I seriously just had to pass my message across.

Nelson Mandela, that’s one of the greatest funeral I have ever seen, the whole world was in South African that day. Why? Because he preached and showed the power of love and unity. Thanks to steemit for making this platform available. I would love to hear other opinions and suggestions on making the world a better place. I pray my message is warmly received.
Thank you all for reading, Keep on steeming and introducing people to the block chain. I know I would be so happy seeing this post in the future.


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