Making War Great Again

in #war6 years ago

Ya know, I don't care that you voted for Trump...I get that, I really do. I get the reasons you voted for him such as draining the swamp and ending the status quo that was going on in DC. But I didn't vote for him, I wasn't buying the BS or anything he was saying but I had hope that he would do at least SOME of what he was saying like ending the perpetual wars we have been in since early 2000s. But this Syria thing really gets me, I mean REALLY gets me. I pisses me off that the same repeated lie is told to the American public about using gas on the "children". REALLY?!? At least twice before we were told that Assad used sarin gas on his own people and was found to be false. Everything about this stinks to high heaven of propaganda yet I have gotten so much flack from some of his supporters about how I should stand behind my president, America...blah blah blah. I have been called an Obama supporter and a liberal so many times I am thinking I should start driving a Prius or something.

If Trump had a D behind his name there would be some huge outcry by these same folks, no doubt in my mind. I also recall Obama trying to sell this same thing to us and wanted to strike Syria but the people said NO. Now we are in a situation where Russia has given a warning that there will be consequences and the Us flips them the bird and does i anyway. I really don't think that is going to play out favorably and Putin is going to be forced to act to save face if nothing else. Flippin insane!

Just because I criticize the president doesn't make me unAmerican or a liberal, it makes me an American. I would be even harsher about my criticism had I voted for him. I can think of several I voted for that I was very critical of. He is an elected public servant, not a friggin king. I am already disgusted with what this government has become, I will never stop criticizing it...ever. and the president is not exempt whether I voted for him or not. For the record I am not a liberal in the modern sense of the word, I am more of a classical liberal or libertarian (fiscal conservative, social liberal) leaning towards anarchist, not to be associated with the socialists calling themselves anarchists.

We get the government we deserve, the government is like this because we voted it this way. Until we as a nation get likeminded enough to change it then it will probably get worse. There will continue to be more elections like Hillary and Trump that you vote for the one you hate the least, not like the most. We need to quit believing the BS they tell us and acting on our emotions and look at the facts, not the ones they give us but the REAL facts. There is SO much propaganda being fed to us by some big money so that we act a certain way and move as a herd to the slaughter, we need to stop. We should be nice to each other and hard on politicians, hold them accountable. They are supposed to be working for us, not the other way around.


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