What Caused Me To Become "Anti-War"

in #war6 years ago


A message I received via YouTube:

Hello, I am not for nor against your beliefs..I respect everyone's, and every Marine's opinion. I was just curious, and if you don't want to answer I understand, but what event and such caused you to become "anti-war" (please don't take that the wrong way)? I'm not saying that I necessarily agree or disagree with the conflict in Iraq, but I volunteered to serve in the USMC and understood that it meant I could go to war and fight and possibly die, I never questioned it...But I don't know, I guess what I'm looking for is another prospective from someone who did. Again, I understand if you don't want to discuss it. Thank you for at least taking the time to read this and for volunteering for my beloved Corps. Semper Fidelis.

In response:

There was no one particular event and there was no regret for me in facing the hardships of war. I never questioned my duty, but I have since questioned the morality and Constitutionality of the war in Iraq. Remember, we swore an oath to the Constitution first, and obeying unconstitutional orders is contrary to that oath. Then there was Ronald Reagan, who said that resorting to war was essentially a sign of weakness. "Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means."

My disillusionment about Iraq in particular began as a slow process with the "handover of power" on June 28th, 2004, when I was in Fallujah. There was no such handover, and there was no expected draw-down when I left. When the reality failed to meet the rhetoric, I started questioning.

Then there was the sinking feeling in my stomach when I realized (and was emotionally ready to accept) that we had been lied to. It didn't help when Allen Greenspan finally admitted, "the war was largely about oil," but it did help me to stop doubting myself.

We should all, as human beings, be "anti-war." What is war but the widespread, systematic destruction of human bodies by machinery? Who could be for that? Only those who are missing a part of their humanity. Sometimes the experience of war or the bloodlust of the military can take that away, but it is always ours to reclaim.

I am against this war because it is bad for America. It is bad for our security, it is bad for our military, it is bad for our economy, it is bad for our reputation abroad, and it is bad for our brothers and sisters who continue to loose their lives for lies. I am against war because I am a human being. I believe in the right to self-defense, and even collective self defense, but we should never take joy in even the most righteous acts of causing pain and suffering for fellow human beings.

Semper fidelis,


Originally written on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 (http://kokesh.blogspot.com/)


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address.


War is a fraud. It has always happened. War is probably the oldest, usually the most profitable, and certainly the cruelest. It is the only one that has international coverage. It is the only one where profits are calculated in dollars and losses are calculated with life.

(Major General Smedley D. Butler, Recipient of two Congress Medals of Honor, United States Marine Corps)

I personally hate war, I am salute for what you campaign, @adamkokesh. Greetings love peace from Indonesia

totally agree, people should read the book by Butler. We shoudl not fight THEIR wars, it is not your war and has nothing to do with you, common people do not want wars. This is all about money and control.

I can see both perspectives, and I do have some questions regarding motive. We're making this look like a righteous mission, but if the USA is all about intervening when atrocities happen, why can't we be consistent and deal with other evil acts perpetuated around the world. We turn a blind eye to genocide in other areas.

Also basically we're bombing Syria because Syria bombed Syria. You know, because we care. It just doesn't make sense. Thanks for the post! :)

We should all, as human beings, be "anti-war." What is war but the widespread, systematic destruction of human bodies by machinery? Who could be for that?

I work in construction in a pretty rural area and am therefore around a lot of patriot/war supporter types- not ones that are educated on the subject, but rather ones who just kind of blindly follow whoever has clothing most closely representing the American flag. Anyways, I've tried to make this argument to every one of them when confronted about my anti war beliefs; to which their only response is to laugh and call me soft or whatever.

It doesn't bother me, at all. But it's just pathetic to see how blind people are to this general human philosophy of just not murdering others for the sake of others.

No disrespect to veterans. Well written response Adam

Either (A) the last 17 years of global military action have been the biggest failure of the U.S. agenda to restore order and democracy to the developing world despite an honest effort, or (B) it has been a very successful campain to accompish the mission of destabilizaton, chaos, and constant tyranny and terrorism. I am open to either interpretation but Occam's razor suggests the latter....

well done bro! as Human Being we never have to support war. Do not let anyone tell you war is OK, I beleave we have to make a worldwide asociation to promote peace and Vote against those few that are sitting at a desk rub their hands waiting for a profit.

we have the responsability of removing the veil of the people´s eyes.

If you know spanish there is my post about this topic! (https://steemit.com/spanish/@ivansin/votar-contra-la-guerra)

I really like your work and your intellect. And I try to understand some of your writing is on http://kokesh.blogspot.com and I am just happy to Peel one of your writings in my blog #nasrol and it's uplifting to me to write.

I also work as a writer of children's stories primary school in Indonesia.

Good morning Mr Adam Kokesh

War is a careless human pertontonkan to show the bad side. I am very surprised to read postings from Mr. Kokesh, there is not one bit in the shadow of me that in the country of United States there are people like you who question what the purpose of American military invasion against the sovereignty of the Government of Iraq.

This is truly a surprise this morning for me and I am thrilled your establishment will host Adam Kokesh. How much you have proven in many people that the supreme interests of all humanity. Since this day I believe that you are a true freedom fighter, because I I am sure you still acknowledge that independence is the right of all Nations.

And I promise I will write an article about you today I dedicate it to the world.
And I asked for permission in your writing that is http://kokesh.blogspot.com/my reference.

Thank you Mr Kokesh, hail freedom.

I am against war because I am a human being

dont know what our politicians are ,are they really human beings?
living in a warzone is much more painfull
no one can understand how hard it is to live in such places
only common people suffer miserably

I really hate war because it symbolizes the world mission and humanity. How many human victims of innocent women and children in Iraq for a moment's sake for a sure reason, oil
Thannks for this @adamkokesh
Anti -war

Great post!
Stop war!