How to upgrade Kreds masternode to the latest wallet release on VPS

in #wallet7 years ago (edited)

This is a follow up of my first post: How to set up Kreds masternode on VPS

Here we will update the wallet to latest release (at time of writing this is

We open PuTTY, so we can log in to our VPS. After successful login we type:

cd /usr/local/bin

Now we close your wallet:

./kreds-cli                    stop

Than we continue with:

cp ~/.kreds/kreds.conf /root/kreds.conf

Next command is optional as we don't need to save wallet.dat on VPS:

cp ~/.kreds/wallet.dat /root/wallet.dat

Run these commands to clean up the old wallet bin:

cd ~

Than we type:

rm -rf ~/.kreds

Now we download latest release. Be careful that you have the right ending! In this case it's .../v1.0.0.3.tar.gz next release will probably be /v1.0.0.4.tar.gz and so on...


We continue with:

tar -xvzf v1.0.0.3.tar.gz (check for latest ending)

We can remove the old wallet:

rm -r kreds-core-


rm v1.0.0.1.tar.gz

Then we check if old files are removed, because there should be only latest versions of wallet inside:


Now we enter in latest kreds-core (in this case

 cd kreds-core-

We type:


We decompile the wallet:

./configure --without-gui && make && make install

Or in case of low memory we use this command:

./configure CXXFLAGS="--param ggc-min-expand=1 --param ggc-min-heapsize=32768"  --without-gui && make && make install

After your compile is finished you will find your source here:

cd /usr/local/bin/

Try to run the daemon and see if everything is running:

./kredsd --daemon

Verify if the daemon is running or not:

ps -aux | grep 'kred'

Now we need to stop it:

./kreds-cli stop 

Alternative command to stop client is:

kill -9 10108 

(The numbers --> 10108 need to be copied from your root, you will see them if you use this command: ps -aux | grep 'kred'. The picture example is 22026
kill9 numero.png

Check again if it stopped:

ps -aux | grep 'kred'

Move the files back:

mv /root/kreds.conf ~/.kreds/

Then we start daemon again:

./kredsd --daemon

Now we should see the new version under:

./kreds-cli getinfo

You are now finished with your VPS part of masternode upgrade!!!

Now we go to your Windows. We download the latest release on kreds-github repository:

Before we do anything we start current wallet and do a backup. We go to File --> Backup Wallet and we save it somewhere safe. backupwall.png

Once you backed up your wallet we need to close it before we begin installing a new one. Now we go to your appdata.

  • For Windows: %appdata%/Kreds/
  • Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/Kreds/
  • Unix/Linux: ~/.kreds/

Copy masternode.conf somewhere safe and than delete all files except masternode.conf. Now you can run new wallet. Once the wallet is synchronised with the network you need to close it.
Go back to appdata and check if masternode.conf is the same. Now it's time to move the file we backed wallet.dat back into this folder.

You are done with the upgrade! Compare the results with the so that it's correct to all the nodes.

Now we run the wallet again and wait for synchronisation than go to Send --> Inputs click with right mouse button on the grey square where you have 50k Kreds and select Unlock unspent.
Go to Masternode tab and click Start alias or Start all. In case you don't see any masternode click Start MISSING this should make it visible.

We wait 3 minutes and close the wallet. Then restart wallet, so masternode is locked. Wait about 1h until it's fully activated.

Done, your masternode is upgraded and active :)

PS: If my post helped you don't forget to upvote! 😉