Walk With Me 3.25: The Fire Truck Food Drive And Walk
This is walk 3.25 because I didn't walk that far....about 40 feet if you need a distance.
Alright, I walked to the end of my driveway but I froze my butt off in the process... so that I could show you Fire- Fighters walking!!!
They'd already walked about 5 km or 3 miles down my road collecting non-perishable food items for my area's local food bank. This time of year, there are specific dates selected and you can leave food items at the end of your driveway or you can go out and wait for them so that you can walk down the road with them a little bit or have a little chat, like I did .
(Trust me, it was worth freezing for. LOL!)
It is cold. In my area it's already -8 degrees Celsius (or 17.6 F) and we are expecting our first snow storm tonight.
There are several vehicles making up this convoy of fire fighting and hunger fighting volunteers. One truck is dedicated to getting people's attention, the next handles all the donations and bringing up the rear, is the jolly old elf, himself, Santa.
In the video I cut Santa off as he wished me a Merry Christmas because just after that, he asked me if I was "naughty or nice".
To which I replied " Oh Santa! Naught is a relative term, don't you think? Can you qualify naughty?"
Santa looked me up and down and then he said, "I think I need to give you some advice. Stay away from boys until your 35."
"Yeah, way too late for that Santa", I quipped. "You better add 10 more years" and I laughed sarcastically.
Not missing a beat, Santa said: "I have socks older than you little girl and I'm probably wearing them. Come and give me a big hug."
Yeah, that's how it always starts, one minute you walk to the end of your driveway and a little way down the road trying to donate food and gather material for a heartwarming #walkwithme post and the next thing you know you're in the arms of Santa's embrace and he's pinching your ass. Hahaha!
And I Have The Candy Cane To Prove It
How's that for taking one for the team?
(For those of you who do not know, candy canes are often hung on bows of Christmas trees. They are one of the last decorations to be affixed to a tree and they are a sweet peppermint candy. Pure sugar and food colouring. This candy (in this form) is seasonal. You usually can only buy them (in Canada) during the Christmas season which starts at the end of November and concludes mid-January.)
(No one panic. Santa didn't really pinch me, but he did tease me, give me a big hug and a candy cane as he wished me a Merry Christmas and thanked me for donating food.)
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...sometimes we will be questioned by men dressed up as jolly old elves...yeah, you won't have to do any drugs to experience this. It'll just naturally happen because that's how my life rolls. LMAO!
~ Rebecca Ryan
"Little girl".
I like that. You will always be a little girl to me. Since you are so much younger than I am.
Just as I had told you in another reply. I could listen to you for hours.
You have the cutest little voice ever. So feminine sounding.
Would I walk out in the cold just to see you?
You had to ask didn't you. Ha ha
Omg you definitely HAD me with the butt pinching LOL! Actually I sat here and read out almost the whole story to @hendrix22 as we're sitting here and we were laughing and laughing <3 <3 Thanks for telling such a great story.
I think it's really sweet having that food drive parade by the firemen, what a warming initiative <3 <3 <3
Hahaha! Who knew?!? That a walkwithme post could be so interactive. I really think that the team of volunteers was just so happy to actually converse with a real person. Most people just leave their donation at the end of their driveway unless they have children or they know the firefighters. Sometimes the people walking are even offered a little drink to warm up and they'll stop and chat for a few minutes.
By the end of the run, Santa can be a little tipsy. LOL! ; )
What a riot! Thank you so much for sharing the lulz!!
LMFAO You honestly had me going here because I could just see every bit of that unfolding and 327 just standing back shaking his head like "What do ya do?"
Santa called you a little girl lol, this was so cute! I was smiling through the entire thing until the butt pinching comment and I was like... NO WAY!
We do things similar to that here in the States but not quite as cool as what I just observed. Very cool video Becca, well done! Gonna start calling you Santa's lil helper! 😎
Hahaha! What are you talking about....Santa helped himself. He didn't need no help. Hahaha!
Gave me a great big bear hug and lifted me right off the freaking ground.
Our conversation was real. He did say all those things to me. LOL! even the part about his old socks and a few other things that I'm not going to put on the blockchain. Hahaha!
Crazy stuff happens to me.
hahaha too funny. Thanks for sharing your "short" walk with us.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it @hendrix22!
Oh we did!! :) Thank you!
Hahaha! Thanks @shanishah!
U r always welcome dear
So cute!
A very interesting post @rebeccaryan.
Nice #walkwithme tag post @rebeccaryan.Why fire truck collecting food also?
The fire fighters are collecting food to take to a food bank. This is a place where a person can go and get food, if they are hungry and don't have any money to buy it themselves. All the food is donated and it is free for anyone who needs it. Winter is hard for people. There are a lot of extra expenses just to try and keep warm. The food banks help.
Walk with me while snowy, for me it's crazy feeling :D But you made a nice trip out there!
Thank you @theguruasia!
yes, its different experience when you walk arround in night, make fun and enjoy and keep safe.
Yes, it is completely a different experience at night @sheikh27!
Thank you, I will and I wish the same for you. ;)
walk with me..funny time...
thank's for sharing
Thanks for taking a look @shagorshikder! :D