Dance like Nobody is Watching, Navajo Pow Wow 2018
A Chicken Dancer, Navajo PowWow, University of Arizona 2018.
I uploaded this video to my YouTube channel on November 10, 2018.
This dancer’s first name was A.J. and he is the Navajo Head Male Dancer 2018-2019.
He’s from North Dakota and is attending the University of Arizona. He’s an accomplished chicken dancer.
The whole experience was other worldly and I hope you enjoy the energy as much as @knarly327 and I did.
Live in the flow and seize the day.
~ Rebecca
The regalia is so colorful! I can see the pride of their nation in their steps.
I hope there was fry bread! That's one if my favorite parts if a Pow Wow.
At Delta Park in Portland,OR they host one annually. Lots of Sheshone, Nez Pierce, Kalama, and Yakima representatives.
Hi @justinashby!
Great to hear from you! It turns out PowWows seem to be a reoccurring theme for me. Lol!
We looked at the line-up for the fry bread and the food served with it... but yet again the lineups were so long that we didn’t wait...not to mention that we don’t eat wheat at all, but it sure did smell delicious. I have come to think that many people attend these events just to eat the fry bread. Lol!
Yeah fry bread is a popular attraction. Whatever fills those seats for a cultural revigoration is what is important. I would hate to see a culture spanning 10 thousand years disappear.
You look like that you are really enjoying yourself there.
And you fit right in with the Navajo Pow Wow.
This will be a trip for you that you won't soon forget.
I am happy for you.
Thank you
Hi Francis!

I think that it was a damn good thing that we attended the Mohawk PowWow early this year because we learned what to do.
When people were asked to dance, hardly anyone responded to the Navajo’s invitation.
I thought: “Are you kidding me? Of course I will dance! When will I have another opportunity like this again to dance with the Navajo, in their traditional way, to their music?”
I considered it an absolute honour.
We also learned some interesting statistics in honour of Remembrance Day - Veterans Day and that is that 7% of the entire US population serves in the US military in some capacity. For the Navajo population it’s 25%!
They put care of the earth, animals and people above everything else.
These are the Navajo Vets who were honoured yesterday. It was very moving, especially because of the role the Navajo played in the Second World War. Their language was not understood by either the Germans or the Japanese and they were known as “code talkers”.
Wonderful vedio and photos of dance have nice day
Great photos and videos, my friend and this dance is just awesome! Thanks Rebecca
I really liked it . I thought young people are no longer interested in dances from a distant history, it turns out I was wrong. Thank you for the interesting message.
An interesting tradition. This is an incredibly gripping dance.
Some people with traditional dressed and dancing like chicken is looking incredible fun, we have to join there to cheer up life and make the best, thank you.
I love the pictures of the Navajo Pow Wow.
I love attending the Pow Wow and the beautiful energy you receive from it.
Thank you for sharing, really enjoyed the video
That was a nice scroll, thank you!!
The outfits are spectacular. So much effort and attention to detail! Full of history. <3
Just wondrous Rebecca, as always thank you for bringing us with you.
I am so thrilled knowing that Native American culture is still alive and well, it feels so good to see these sights and hear the sounds in your video. It is so exhilarating in "real life" to witness these events. I have only witnessed a few, and will never forget.
These sacred peoples hold the key to our Humanity.