GOOD MORNING (bilingual

in #walkwithme7 years ago

** walk with me on a cold morning **
berjalan bersama saya di pagi yang dingin

This morning it feels cold, it feels lazy getting up from the bed, but should also woke up because there are obligations that must be working on a blanket as if though the more tightly embraced my body

pagi ini terasa dingin sekali,malas rasanya bangun dari tempat tidur,tapi harus bangun juga karena ada kewajiban yang harus di kerjakan walaupun seakan-akan selimut makin erat memeluk tubuhku.
*This morning it feels cold, it feels lazy getting up from the bed, but should also woke up because there are obligations that must be working on a blanket as if though the more tightly embraced my body

masih tidur mereka, saya harus pelan-pelan jalan lewat samping mereka kasihan nanti terbangun.
merekalah yang selama ini jaga malam di rumah saya.
*down there in the Valley there is a village each morning is always on the cover by the fog. You can imagine what kind of cold in there, which obviously there its people fast asleep and slow get up certainly.

di bawah sana di dalam lembah ada kampung yang setiap paginya selalu di tutupi oleh kabut. anda bisa bayangkan dingin di sana seperti apa, yang jelas di sana orang-orangnya cepat tidur dan lambat bangun pastinya.


Good job on this #walkwithme @priang.esteem! And you know I love those ducks so much!!!! They are sooooooooo cute!!

Thank you so much @lyndsaybowes you've liked my post and I feel honored