~ 94 ~ Walk With Me Around the Home (Hey, don't roll your eyes, it was raining, I'm unmotivated, and just want to snuggle with a good book)
There were, however, spectacular outdoor walks from 200 Steemians in the last day!
A New Orchid
Beautiful Art
Something I Wasn't Too Lazy For
A Look Out the Windows
I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some outstanding walks with other Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them.
See life through their eyes...
Walk With Me #2 - Beautiful Mural (In Damascus, Syria) By @scorpii

#7. Walk With Me : Beautiful view of Rice in my village / Indahnya pemandangan Padi di Desaku By @au7ia

Some cool, quirky and beautiful sights from my day in Playa del Carmen, Mexico By @lynncoyle1


Time for a walk. - 📸 - Photos of the day. By @madlenfox

Cool Brisk morning walk at the park By @mamabear72
Walk with me at work... By @davedickeyyall
Walk with me : When the hen does not know where to lay egg 😂😂 By @arieframadhan
An old time covered bridge By @seareader1
#Walkwithme My son is again learning to ride a bike. By @ponsaya

See life through their eyes...
Walk With Me #2 - Beautiful Mural (In Damascus, Syria) By @scorpii
#7. Walk With Me : Beautiful view of Rice in my village / Indahnya pemandangan Padi di Desaku By @au7ia
Some cool, quirky and beautiful sights from my day in Playa del Carmen, Mexico By @lynncoyle1
Time for a walk. - 📸 - Photos of the day. By @madlenfox
Cool Brisk morning walk at the park By @mamabear72
Walk with me at work... By @davedickeyyall
Walk with me : When the hen does not know where to lay egg 😂😂 By @arieframadhan
An old time covered bridge By @seareader1
#Walkwithme My son is again learning to ride a bike. By @ponsaya
Seems like is more safe to stay inside today... Darth and his gang is back home again... Have been in trouble in India 🇮🇳... And he might got inspired by the TV series the vikings, As I can see.. 😜. Sometimes is very good to do LTN some days... Less the nothing... 🤣... Have a great LTN day.. Nice flowers by the way ✌️
OMg you are killing me over here!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!! I showed my husband too, we are in stitches hahahhahaaa!!!!!! Best. EVER!!!!!!!!!! I love to laugh, especially in the morning, it starts my day in the perfect way!!
I'm happy if you guys got a good laugh of it... I like it... So it's a win win then... Happy Sunday and beware of the Darth abd his Crue next move... Haha ✌️😎
This is simply amazing ☆
Hahahaha this is amazing!! 😂
You are allowed to take a rest! You always do so much and you still baked even when unmotivated! (PS, when you are motivated, can I has that biscuit recipe? They sound so good)
The problem with being a homesteader/ mom/self employed/etc. is you get no defined time off. You deserve time off! I hope you found a good book and curled up with it. :)
Self care, Lyndsay! 😊
Thanks for the good vibes my Angel Friend, d'awwww..... <3 <3 And of course I'll shoot you the recipe!
2 cups flour
1 T sugar (optional)
1 T baking soda
1 t salt
1/2 cup lard
Pastry cut that shit up til it feels like sand
Add in 3/4 cup of milk and I put 1 cup of cheese but you could do more or less or none hehehe
Knead 10 times, lightly floured surface, roll the dough and cut
Oven 400 bake for 12-14
Thank you! Om nom nom nom!

I'm making these!!
Mmm sweet sweet bread product.
Hey @lyndsaybowes you really are a master baker!! I was going to ask for the recipe but I see you've already linked it .. me and those biscuits have a date with destiny ;) I really enjoyed a glimpse at your lazy day .. pretty much the same as mine today if I'm honest, I just can't be arsed lol
Loved the dragonfly art .. I have a fiend who has started making stained glass windows and she is equally amazing .. I will have to add a couple of pics when I comment next .. have to find them online first. Enjoy your day/night? my friend
Thanks PF! I can't wait to hear about how you liked the biscuits! Seems like a good ol English boy like you would devour em up easily hehehe!!
Also, I hope you can find those stained glass windows! I love stained glass, what a talented friend you have!
Rainy lazy days are important! Such a blessing to the soul to slow down...I love that you took the time to find the beauty to share in your home :)
@lyndsaybowes, Pretty stunning #walkwithme post sharing.
Yep....Orchid flowers giving me most attractive and it's beauty bringing me long distance. I have some pictures of orchid flowers variation taken from my friends flower garden. Probably I'll post them.
Pretty awesome dragonfly art received from your friend. Sure....It's glorious production of hand made. Absolutely art is a passion and best talent work. Artists can be showing other peoples feelings and effects nicely. They was gorgeous peoples around the world.
mmmmmmmm.........some biscuit product made me real hungry and feel tongue to tasty. :0) I most like it .
Nice photo captures provided finally taken under rain. Lot of foggy condition indeed. Nice #walkwithme introduced. I'll check it later.
What a beautiful day you spent, what a beautiful orchid your husband gives you, a nice detail on your part, as it is always a pleasure to walk with you always your photos are spectacular
The biscuits look really good, Lyndsay! I can taste them now! lol I imagine that the dragonfly art is made of iridescent glass so the colours must be stunning in the sunlight...
Iridescent glass indeed Ceci <3 <3 Blues, pinks, sparkling whites... <3 <3 <3
Wow...again...such a wonderful and interesting "walkwithme" post by @lyndsaybowes mam...

Actualy I'm realy like and love 'orchid' flowers...I have few types of orchids in my home garden...and my best of hobby is home garderning...
This is my orchid...
And actualy I'm not coocked coockies yet...but I like try this..for my family weekend..
Totaly wonderful blogging idea mam...
Oh Sweet little pinky orchids! They are so pretty, and the glass butterfly too.
OMG! These buns are something else. I could just imagine you crunching away those cuties. Awww........ Maybe you can give me the recipe. Nice one sweetheart.
I can give you the recipe for the cheese biscuits, and helllooooo Edith xoxo <3 Love you Sister!
2 cups flour
1 T sugar (optional)
1 T baking soda
1 t salt
1/2 cup lard
Blend together until it feels like sand
Add in 3/4 cup of milk and I put 1 cup of cheese but you could do more or less or none hehehe
Knead 10 times, lightly floured surface, roll the dough and cut
Oven 400 celsius, bake for 12-14 minutes
Wow! Thank you my. I hope i make them as delectably as you do.
You mustn’t be so hard on yourself @lyndsaybowes Lifting a camera to take a few pics to create a ‘walkwithme’ blog and going from room to room to give us a glimpse of some very interesting things would have used up a lot of energy especially as you were unmotivated to do so. You must love your fellow steemians very much to go to all that effort just for us. 😊 Please tell me you curled up with a good book whilst munching on those delicious savoury biscuits? 😋
HAHA! I like your style @trudeehunter, thanks for going easy on me :) I did get a couple hundred pages read with I won't say how many biscuits lolololol :) :)
Well, I'm very pleased to hear that @lyndsaybowes As long as you didn't eat as many biscuits as the pages you read. (lol) They were really, really, tiny biscuit's weren't they? You used a macro lens to take those pics. Right?