~ 91 ~ Walk With Me: A Very Low Tide
Hey @DaveDickeyYall Look!
#ChickenBitches Spotlight
C'mon ladies, it was a false alarm. Let's blow this pop stand. -Mr. Pendock
Kiss my fluffy butt goodbye Lyndsay. -Big Mama
Darth Layer
What if I really am Luke's Mother?

Now it's time for me to blow this pop stand...
I Spied on a Fisherman
Other Pretties
I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some outstanding walks with other Steemians who got out there in the world today, and took us with them.
See life through their eyes...
Walking on Jungle Beach By @madushanka

My Firts Walk With Me Inspiration by My Brother / Perjalanan Pertamaku Inspirasi dari Adikku By @ezamauliza
Walk with me Lanzarote By @andyjem
Walk With Me ~ Weekly, swimming at the waterfall ~ 8 ~z By @ridhasteem
Do You Have A Heart By @francisk
Walk With Me Through One Of America's Oldest Cemeteries: Sandwich's Old Burial Ground By @winstonalden
A Chicken Roadtrip and Drama in the Flock! By @karenfoster

See life through their eyes...
Walking on Jungle Beach By @madushanka
My Firts Walk With Me Inspiration by My Brother / Perjalanan Pertamaku Inspirasi dari Adikku By @ezamauliza
Walk with me Lanzarote By @andyjem
Walk With Me ~ Weekly, swimming at the waterfall ~ 8 ~z By @ridhasteem
Do You Have A Heart By @francisk
Walk With Me Through One Of America's Oldest Cemeteries: Sandwich's Old Burial Ground By @winstonalden
A Chicken Roadtrip and Drama in the Flock! By @karenfoster
I leave steem for a few months and come back to the same eccentric posts. I couldn't be happier lol.
YEEEHAAAAAW! A sighting of Darth Layer. 😃
I'm so happy I think I'll do a little dance.........
The Chicken Dance Baby!!!!
When I saw this I was like.....WTF!???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omg...is that corey feldman??
I don't think so babe.
Just a couple of dudes in desperate need of girlfriends I think 😂
Hey @lyndsaybowes I loved today's #walkwithme the picture of the little boy fishing just fills my heart. Such a beautiful image and so nice that you live in an area where children can be just that!! The innocence of youth.
As always the rest of your pictures are simply beautiful, it really looks as though those shacks could just collapse at any moment .. and there is something quite poignant in that thought/image. Those first buds of spring fill me with hope fo the rest of the year .. slowly but surely winter withdraws it's icy grip and life reclaims the land .. although I know it could flip back to full on winter at any moment.
Another simply beauiful post, thank you for sharing!!
Hey PerceptualFlaws <3 <3 I gotchya hahaa, many many were fooled, but that little boy is just a dock ornament lol! The reason I was even joking about it is he was in a photo a long time ago and people thought he was real :) :)
You're right it can definitely flip back to winter on us a bit more, it's in its death throes and that is a gooooooooood thing xoxo The old fish houses are my favourite too....they definitely have some stories to tell!
exciting day my friend @lyndsaybowes
I was enjoying some relax with my girlfriend and captured some beautiful pics and back with a new walk
greeting to your little bitches specially Mr. Pendock
I like the chicken bitches Darth Layer... That's my guy 😜 and the toddler 😍🙏 nice scenery and pic by the way 🎯 have a lovely day 👑
Darth sends her regards from the Dark Side <3 <3 xoxo
That's totally awesome in happy to hear it.. He is good on the bottom.... Just a bit dark from outside 😜 happy valentines... Sista 🌟🙏
Hiiiii friend @lyndsaybowes, sorry for late visiting your amazing blog. Because of today's heavy Rain and Strom, internet service and power off. Your today #walkwithme is amazing look due to your efforts photography is awesome. You are crazy of hens, so I shared a picture of our Rooster. I hope you like it.

Omg this red rooster is magnificent!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me, I really appreciate seeing your animals!
Thanks for your appreciations, This is my mother's Rooster. because she is also much crazy for chickens. this is one of them.
I hope it's safe for that little brave boy. Hackett's cove must have lots of fresh fish given the sea around you. Do you like fish Lyndsay? My mom hates fish because of the smell and we try lots of dishes to mask the smell. I love fish.
The low tide comes with so much tranquility. It's really so beautiful at Hackett's Cove.
Thank you for sharing, I really miss my country home.
Yes, I really do enjoy fish <3 When it is fresh, there is not so bad of a smell. Mussels, lobster, more favourites of mine. Where was your country home?
Oh, and so you don't worry, the little boy, is a ceramic statue :) xoxo
I grew up with my grandma, went to live with her when I was a toddler, I loved her so much that I followed her home to the village one day and refused to come back to the city where my parents lived. I was so much in love with their simplistic lifestyle and then Nature.... Oh Nature in all its rawness, innocence, no 'additives', just raw ,pure, un-refined Nature. I was eleven when she died and I left all that behind. Urban areas make me have those nostalgic feelings. With all the kinds of pollution we have in cities, who wouldn't long for those past moments. Don't mind me Lyndsey, my heart pours........
Oooh your Grandma and her village sound like a perfect paradise for a child to play and learn in. I'm sorry that she passed away when you were so young...I really hope and pray you are able to live the simple rural life again one day soon... <3 <3
I hope so too. Thank you so much Lyndsey. Xoxo
Do you have a chicken farm @lyndsaybowes? nice to see them, especially the ducks...
I also have some ...
I really like to see the view in your area because of us here there is no such scenery ,, success always @ lyndsaybowes ,, I like this post ,,, and I want to share this post ,,, may @lyndsaybowes .. ???
The cemetery looks like a place I would want to hang out. It's quiet and peaceful. Low tide makes everything look like its falling apart, thats pretty cool.
I need to get out more often. I've been too busy. Thank you for showing me what it looks like outside again lol. I see more of yours than I do my own XD
Yeah, busy can definitely suck! What have you been up to mostly?
Work, kids, Kuk Sool, cleaning, unpacking, some baking but not as much as I would like. When my husband is off work we do more together naturally. Catch up on all the house things and and each other. Im tired lol.
I hope you can get the rest you need soon, some Peace and some Ease <3 <3