~ 89 ~ Walk With Me to See Some Flippin' Birds

in #walkwithme7 years ago

The Birds Were Calling Me Today


I'm going to start calling myself the "crazy bird lady" soon, I know you will support me in this. Everywhere I look, there they are...

30 + Chickens...


It's definitely crazy chicken lady territory when I don't even know how many chickens I have anymore! Damn they are good at breeding. There are over 30 of them, I know that much. You have seen this scene before. Whenever I leave for my afternoon walk I feed the chickens their treat bowl first. There's everyone in the run eating, and poor Big Smokie on the outside looking in...

And if he tries to go in to help feed the ladies...


We all know what happens, plus Mr. Pendock has warned him against explicitly a million times. Only Mr. Pendock is man enough to feed the hens. Smokie is a bitch and he better know his place!


Da fuck are you even looking in this direction for Smokie?


Run Smokie! Pendock is gonna fuck you up bro!

Well, I've had enough of this chicken shit. I head out on the highway...


And see my badass Gull friends who apparently enjoy roosting on ocean ice, and bathing in the freezing water.


This sweet, colourful duck brightened my day!


I love his feet so much :)


And a day could never be complete without my Crow Family...

I didn't even know they were there but they must have wanted their picture taken because as I passed by they started cawing. Crows are my favourite bird of all time. Ravens are awesome too but I just haven't spent a lot of time around them. I sure wish to one day, I definitely love their beards!



Other Hacketts Cove, Canada Delights Today


The Church By the Lake.






It's so crazy to me, but that photo above is not edited. Just facing the sun did this, I was trying to capture the sparkles off of the ocean ice, low tide. Success and Failure all in one.


I really loved the red, green and white on that roof.


I hadn't gone on a walk for 5 days, and there were a lot of outstanding #walkwithme posts from all of you during that time, way too many to be able to feature here toinght. Keep up the great walks and the great blogs. You are AMAZING!


you and the freaking chickens... it just makes me happy.

Aw, thank you for loving our feathered family Steven! xoxo

of course!!! dude i love your chickens and dope life.. here to be a friend and a supporter!:)

tnx for upvote

Incoming message from Darth Layer........


"You have no idea the power of the 'Chicken Force' crazy bird lady!"
"My feathered brethren will continue to multiply as you take your walks and make your buns, soon the day will come when we will take over your homestead and use it as a launching point to take over the whole of Turtle Island"

"Oh, and before I forget..........."

"Pendock.....I AM YOUR FATHER!"

BWA AHHAAHAAAAA!! I love my mornings with TP hahahaaa!! Breed Brethren...Breed!!

This post is for the birds!
You guys are really getting a nice Flock of chickens.
Our flock has been slowly dwindling from 32 down to 19.....we'll probably order a bunch of chicks for May delivery and revive the egg supply!!!!

Or maybe we should just get a donkey!!!!!!!!!

AHHAA!!! Love it BriMax!! Watch out for those donkeys though, they are GREEDY!!!!

Hey @lyndsaybowes yet another beautiful #walkwithme!! Your bird lady comment reminded me of when I was working with my Dad (who's a builder). We were in the countryside and the woman in the house opposite used to have a ritual where in the morning she used to step into the garden and whistle. As soon as she whistled all the birds would swoop down from the trees and land all over her, at which point she would hand feed them .. it was amazing to witness!!

Thank you for you're beautiful pictures and for inspiring my walk down memory lane .. oh I loved the black and white shots and that icy sea just looks so stark and lonely, beautiful stuff!

OOooh my GOD what I would to to be able to reach that level of Crazy Bird Lady!! Talk about Life GOALS~!!!!!! I think I picked up on the secret too.... FOOD!!!!!! I don't carry near enough food in my pockets!!

Bless her! What an inspiration!! Thanks for sharing that story with me...

@lyndsaybowes, Excellent start with bird calling to you from his sweety voice. Wow...Today chicken family coming out to steemit platform. 30+ chickens wow amazing group. Who's the leader there?
Ha ha.... Mr.Pendock is awesome character here. And Mr. Pendock try to fuck to Smokie.. Lol...Smokie has cruel looks.
All ducks really enjoying with freezing water. Delightful captures of them. Brightness crows photo clicks indeed. Nice b&w click gave me golden memory. Exactly you're professional photographer. You everyday stunning me via #walkwithme.
Snow condition has yet but start changing background. Marvelous creating from nature. Thanks for the effort.

Thank you so much, Mr. Pendock is definitely the leader here :) I'm so happy you enjoyed the assortment of photos today @madushanka!

Had a murder outside my window this evening, they really are beautiful contrast in the snowy trees.

Lovely post.

Yeah! This is an awesome sight 🖤
Where was this photo taken?

Out my bedroom window this afternoon.

Oooh wow...thank you so much for sharing @bleedpoet! xoxo

Chicken math is a real problem that people should be warned about ahead of time. You start out with six adorable chickens and before you know it you lose count and some of them don't even have names yet!

Lol, great walk Lyndsay! The sparkles are gorgeous!!!

Thank you HickoryMack! xoxo I'm happy you enjoyed the sparkles!!!

I know this is an apple/oranges comparison, but all these birds remind me I need to "shoot" the wild turkeys in the cornfield behind my house and upload them. They are soooooo fun to watch! :)

Thanks for always bringing the birds to the yard! :D

Ooooh yes please do!!! Do they make crazy turkey noises too??? I gotta see this!!

I've just viewed them from behind a glass door, they're pretty skiddish.

But I'll see what I can do :)

I always root for Big Smokie you know.

Bwa hahahahaa,,,,,Pendock's days are numbered!!

Great walk. I love the chicken parts. Smokie better stay away from pendock or tings gonna go down. It reminds me of rooster fights. When I was in El salvador with my family we went to go watch rooster fights and they fought till one died.... im not saying to put smokie and pendock in a fight tho hahaha 😂 it just reminded me. Awesome walk

Oooh yes, cock fights, that would make me so sad!