~ 86 ~ Walk With Me on a Misty Morning in Nova Scotia
After a Five Day Hiatus...
Heading Out
Let's See the Sea
I've only taken this road once before, and there's no hills, so it was the obvious choice today...
I've been walking for about 15-20 minutes now, and all I have done is end up right across the water from our backyard.
The Mist Rolls In
Here are a few of today's walks by Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them!
See life through their eyes.
#TakeARide! Going Underground in Vienna! Unique Train, Bus & Subway Stops By @mammasitta

WalkWithMe #3 - The First Walk at Nockamixon State Park By @devilonwheels
The Moon Pulls My Ocean By @amymya
Walkwithme Morning Walk - Foggy Morning By @rabeel
^Walk With Me^ at Optimistic in Working Hard For Family Living. By @kajaya
Walk With Me #5: Back To Dry Lock 7 By @rebeccaryan
Walk With Me At A Old Temple Near My Home | Bringing Childhood Memories | By @rahulsaini
Walk with me #3: Strasbourg (France) part two: little things that give spirit to city By @gretum
Wild Gardens of Acadia - Part 2 of 2 By @cognoscere
Walk With Me [3] - Canoe to the Eclipse - Part 1 - Celebrate the Solar Eclipse to Prepare for the Lunar Eclipse! By @haphazard-hstead
Walking On Sunshine By @francisk
A walk around Llandovery in mid Wales (part 2) - Llandovery Local History Museum By @pennsif
Walk with me. Aceh and all the beauty. "Aceh dan segala keindahan". By @said-nuruzzaman
The abandoned building and creek Walk with me. By @foxyspirit
Walk With Me - Walking the Boundaries By @hethur240
Little Places Of Magic In The Centre Of Suburbia. By @hammaraxx
Walk With Me~ Wherever I Go I Bring Steemit By @lidiasteem
Walk With Me in Our Backyard By @khackett
Walk With Me As I Walk Home From My Car Mechanic By @david777111

See life through their eyes.
#TakeARide! Going Underground in Vienna! Unique Train, Bus & Subway Stops By @mammasitta
WalkWithMe #3 - The First Walk at Nockamixon State Park By @devilonwheels
The Moon Pulls My Ocean By @amymya
Walkwithme Morning Walk - Foggy Morning By @rabeel
^Walk With Me^ at Optimistic in Working Hard For Family Living. By @kajaya
Walk With Me #5: Back To Dry Lock 7 By @rebeccaryan
Walk With Me At A Old Temple Near My Home | Bringing Childhood Memories | By @rahulsaini
Walk with me #3: Strasbourg (France) part two: little things that give spirit to city By @gretum
Wild Gardens of Acadia - Part 2 of 2 By @cognoscere
Walk With Me [3] - Canoe to the Eclipse - Part 1 - Celebrate the Solar Eclipse to Prepare for the Lunar Eclipse! By @haphazard-hstead
Walking On Sunshine By @francisk
A walk around Llandovery in mid Wales (part 2) - Llandovery Local History Museum By @pennsif
Walk with me. Aceh and all the beauty. "Aceh dan segala keindahan". By @said-nuruzzaman
The abandoned building and creek Walk with me. By @foxyspirit
Walk With Me - Walking the Boundaries By @hethur240
Little Places Of Magic In The Centre Of Suburbia. By @hammaraxx
Walk With Me~ Wherever I Go I Bring Steemit By @lidiasteem
Walk With Me in Our Backyard By @khackett
Walk With Me As I Walk Home From My Car Mechanic By @david777111
Wow babe, I can't believe it's been five days. I feel so unfit 😃
I must say it looks horrid because it looks like a British scene, foggy, damp and miserable.
Still waiting for my big ass snowman!
Tick Tock Lyndsay 😉❤️
I know, the boys are just dying for a good "snowman snow" day too. All the snow we've gotten so far won't cooperate. It's coming though...nice wet snow will be here if not this month, definitely in March! xoxo
Well, first I read all the comments to make sure I wasn't duplicating information and noticed two commented but did not identify the bird in your picture.
As an avid bird watcher I can say with 100% confidence that it is a Loon.
The only time they leave is if there is NO open water at all. They really are unique birds and I'm sure you hear their calls all summer!
Great pics, thanks for sharing!
Oooh wow thank you so much for answering me @brimax! I have been around loons in Northern BC, on the lakes, they are so much smaller than this guy out here, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised, big Ocean, big Loon!! <3 <3 <3 xoxo Appreciated!!
I couldn't help but to think it'd be a lot of fun to get the shots from being on the water and facing the land... In a few years and some favourable price action, you can do just that on the SS @LyndsayBoats :D
That would be so great, I hope to do so in the summer!! @lyndsayboats #boatshares hahaaha!!
Omg it's sooooooooooooooo awesome~!!!HAHAHAHAA!!!!!! Best damn thing ever!!! <3 <3 <3 Awwww....now my face hurts from smiling... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
PS: You just gave me new wallpaper hahaha!!!
LMAO I'm honored! 😁
Great to see you back on your feet. Getting in some fitness and fresh air is a big plus, now if we can just part the clouds a bit so you can get some of that good old vitamin D you will be ready to rock and roll. :)
Thanks Vickie! It's sunny today :) But on the downside, it's -12 hahaha!! I'm still gonna get out there though, how have you been doing lately?
Am hanging in best as possible. Anxiously awaiting sunshine here too. I feel the spring in the air and see the snow melting but as yet, no sun to speak of :( It will come!
Aw, thanks for replying Vickie, I sure hope that blessed sunshine heads your way soon! xoxo <3 <3 Here's a Hug sent to you from me!! O <3 O <3 O <3
Nice and clear and cold weather... Its good to get out for a walk... No matter how long the walk was... Sometimes the most difficult part can be just to get going... The first step our or find the motivation or power to do it .. I made one #walkwithme I dedicated to you the other day... And the first I made... Was also to you... But i forgit you nickname here on steemit and changed it with another person... Ye ye... It's my head... Anyway have a wonderful weekend... U will make a new one... And send you some sun from India 🇮🇳 stay strong and happy .. It's all in the mind ✌️🙏
I will go to your page to see it, I can't believe I missed that one!!
Yes I can see you did.... Thanks sista ✌️
Hi @lyndsaybowes, I can agree to walk with you but what happens if we come across a white walker?

Oooh my goodness, or what about the Ice Dragon? I live my life in fear!!
Wow. For a sick woman. That is a lot of walking and posting.
So sorry about you being sick. I haven't been sick in years.
Not even much of a cold. Oh, I know. That could change.
I not invincible. Just an ole guy.
Thank you for caring enough to force yourself.
Maybe you should have rested more.
But you didn't. What can I say...............
Hey my tough friend! I was thinking of you yesterday on my walk, a bunch of gulls started circling over my head and all I could think of was why the hell didn't I bring a chicken bone in my pocket???!!!!!
Ha ha OK You win. Do you always win?
Or could it be not every battle? But in the end. You win the war.
The battle of minds. I just lost mine. So you win. Ha ha
Thank you
Hugs, love and respect for you Francis <3 xo
You nearly always hit the bell ringer with every swing of mighty words and love.
Sometimes we can get a little off the beaten path of acceptable human behavior in our thinking. But, not necessarily mean and hateful. Just outside of known parameters. And when we do. We need someone to pull us back into the reality of the tried and true,
But, with some well placed hugs and love at the right time. Miracles can and do happen for us at times.
Thank you so much for remembering. Not a jerk, but a little tug and whispering that it is alright. Jump aboard the boat of life. Even the "lyndsay boat that I saw above will be fine.
Thank you
Awww hahaha, you always bring a smile to my face!! Jump on board, the deck is beautiful xoxoxo
Hey @lyndsaybowes so glad to have you back, feeling well and taking us on another beautiful #walkwithme Loving the the misty shots you've taken, but sad to see the snow melting :( Hope you get some more soon :) .. That said I'm starting to get some pangs for spring so I also have my fingers crossed for some snow drops .. both at the same time would be great lol
As always my friend another beautiful post, I love sitting down and reading these with a nice cuppa in my hand! :D
Thanks for being such an avid supporter of #walkwithme PerceptualFlaws, we will certainly get some more snow soon. I really want to go on another walk with you <3 <3 Maybe in the Spring eh?
Hey @lyndsaybowes I'm really looking forward to getting out for another #walkwithme as well .. I would have been out already (as I'm normally out walking most days) unfortunately my car is off the road so I'm having to rely on lifts for the last couple of weeks. But watch this space I'll be back at it soon :)
I always have my eye out for you my friend... <3 <3 <3
As always, beautiful photos! I hope you got warm and don't make your sickness worse, lady!
I love how colorful the lobster traps are. And do they still actually USE that falling down boat house? O:
I wonder that myself....I shall walk down the path to get there one day and nose around! <3 <3
Looks like you are feeling a bit better, hopefully soon you will recover fully if you haven't yet.
Loved that walk and the boats, and even though it looks so gray, I really enjoyed your walk.
Soon you guys will be able to enjoy the water, just look it that way, everyday we are getting closer to summer. Yay!
Indeed, it's only going to get better from here, and it's sure nice to have the days getting longer and longer too!