[Introduce] my name is lukman

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians semua. Malam ini saya baru bisa bergabung di steemit karena baru di komfirmasi kode steemit di email saya.

Nama saya lukman umur 25 , pekerjaan saya mahasiswa di salah satu universitas ternama yang ada di indonesia. Selain saya seorang mahasiswa, saya juga punya kerja sampingan yaitu bantu paman saya di toko baju yaitu toko mulia baru. Saya terinspirasi steemit ini dari kawan saya dia bisa belajar membuat sebuah karya-karya baru disini dan disamping itu dia mendapat yang rewards steem dollars dan steem kami bisa menukarnya dengan rupiah, sehinga menghasilkan rupiah yang banyak. Harapan saya disini saya bisa melatih karya ilmiyah saya baik itu karya tulis atau karya lainnya.Terimakasih kepada steemians semua yang telah memberi saya banyak inspirasi bagi saya. Dan kepada currator indonesia kanda @aiqabrago dan @levycore.


Hi all steemians. Tonight I can just join in steemit because new in the confirmation code steemit in my email. My name is lukman age 25, my job is a student at one of the top universities in indonesia. besides I am a student, I also have a side job that aids my uncle in a clothing store that is a new noble store.

I inspired this steemit from my friend he can learn to make a new works here and besides that he got the rewards steem dollars and steem we can exchange it with rupiah, so that generate a lot of rupiah. hope I am here I can train my ilmiyah work either the paper or other works. Thanks to the steemians all who have given me a lot of inspiration for me. And to currator indonesia kanda @aiqabrago and @levycore .

Follow Me @cutnuraida


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Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


thank you very much.

Hi Luqman....Welcome here to Steemit Family

yes thank you.

Wow great profile! Lovely pictures. Welcome to steemit! You will love it here. Take a look at my posts, im interested in beauty, life, photography, take care x @diljeetdil x

ok thank you very much my friend.